Reid loved New Year's Eve. The countdown, the silly party accessories, the excuse to get completely smashed and kiss random strangers at midnight, all for the sake of waking up to a supposed fresh start the next day. While he never really needed much of an excuse to go out, it was always nice to have a reason for getting all his girls together to
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"What-" he looked up from the next shot he'd been preparing himself to throw back, his eyes catching sight of Skylar as she walked in, Jonah protectively trailing along behind her.
"Sky- what the-" He abandoned the still-full shot glass, the buzz of alcohol that he had been building up efficiently forgotten as he dashed across the room to meet Skylar's reaching hands, promptly wrapping her up in a solid hug without bothering to ask why it was a needed gesture, or why she was even here in the first place. Explanations could wait-
"He's was terrible-" she breathed, the tears finally coming now. A violent sob coursed through her body. Her chest hurt, a heavy weight settling over her so familiar she knew it could only be heartbreak.
"The things he said to me-"
It didn't take a genius, however, to guess who the 'he' her shaky confessions was referring to.
"It's okay," he muttered against her ear, loosening her grip on her just enough to lead toward a quieter corner of the room, away from the inquiring gazes of their friends. He shot one sharp look in their direction, however, and they knew enough to let them go off on their own.
"It's okay, you're fine, I'm here," he said softly as he settled her down onto one of the barstools that lined the room, gently brushing a stray strand of hair away from her face.
Once settled on the barstool Skylar slumped forward. She looked just as defeated as she felt, her tiny frame too weak to support the heaviness of her limbs. She looked a few time as tears clung to her lashes.
"He was so drunk and angry," she asked him in a low and breaking voice. Harry's words - that laugh of his - echoed in his mind. "He grabbed at me. He said-"
Skylar covered her mouth with her hand as a sob broke through her.
He'd have some choice fucking words to say to and about Harry fucking Potter in the morning, but for now, he tore himself away from the anger bubbling up in his chest, focusing instead on the sobs of his best friend.
"Hey, shh, it's fine," he muttered somewhat helplessly still. "Nevermind him. Whatever he said doesn't matter-"
Reid's body was holding her up or, really, keeping Skylar from curling up in the fetal position right there in the club. She felt like she could disappear at any moment - all her old fears and anxieties creeping back in.
Jonah was right to bring Skylar here, right to Reid who may have been the only person that knew how to properly take care of her or calm her down. It wasn't so much what he said but it was the way he said it, his presence, his smell, everything that was Reid Chambers was a comfort to her.
"He basically called me stupid right in front of everything," she said, catching her breath. "It was humiliating."
Reid only wished that he had a better explanation to offer, a better understanding of the situation that didn't lead his first choice of words into being a pointed and judgemental 'I told you so'. While the thought irked very resolutately at the back of his mind, he still managed to choke it back, knowing that this was neither the time, nor place, nor emotionally charge situation for a round of who was right-
"He's a prat and you're wonderful, and it's bloody New Year's Eve, so forget him and his stupid drunk ramblings, yeah?"
But Skylar wasn't thinking about any of that as she looked back at Reid. If she hadn't agreed to change her plans for Harry, go to a party where she knew almost nobody and bail out on her core group, none of this would have ever happened.
"He is a prat. I told him so-" she said, offering the weakest of smiles. "I need a drink. A few. Very strong."
He was well aware that feeding her alcohol and dragging her onto the dance floor would only be putting a bandaid on what, from what little details he had managed to gather, was obviously more of a gaping wound. But even bandaids helped in the short run, and this was no night to spend wallowing. A fresh start in the morning would be a better environment to address this incident.
"Let's get you that drink. Or twelve-"
"Tequila shots? Extra salt and lime?" she asked, getting to her feet. Skylar reached for Reid's hand to steady herself on her four inch heels which, for the record, made her legs look twice as long and lean.
"I want to drink and dance until I black out. Deal?"
"Tequila shots!" he called out to the first available bartender. "Keep 'em coming!"
A round of tequila shots came their way supplied with a salt shaker and a cup full of limes, which were Skylar's favorite part. The tang took the sting away.
"What should we toast to?" she asked, holding up her shot glass.
"To you looking absolutely fabulous in those heels," he declared with a playful smile.
Skylar licked her salt before shooting back her shot.
"You know it," he teased, motioning for a refill.
"Okay, now to..." he glanced around the room, eyes catching onto Jemma and her generally gorgeous self. "One-shoulder dresses and fabulous friends?"
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