Oct 22, 2007 10:32
this weekend was pretty low key. crashed out early friday due to excess thursday night. saturday had hoped to make it to the post office and desperately needed to due laundry, but managed to do neither.
we did go into the studio and recorded another kids track. it's not done yet, but be on the look out for Broken in Time on a kids killin kids myspace near you.
i was suppose do rage saturday night, but ended up just going to dinner with josh and then talking with 2 random german girls in union square who said they could get us shows in germany. so a kids world tour might be just around the corner. ha!
work last night. so sweeeeeeet. but i did manage to get up early this morning and make it to the post office. so my bro's birthday present (well over a month late at this point) is finally on its way. laundry tonight.