Exams are over!!!!!!

May 24, 2012 22:52

Ok! Time to focus on yaoi manga, fanfiction, my electric guitar, anime, exercise and getting fat from having all the outings with friends!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!! During my study period, i was really depressed. I fell sick twice and i had to take a few days off from work cos i had no time to complete my revision. But hell is over now and it's time for me to relax and let go.

Hmm... My first paper was pretty easy... I think... And i think i will do well for that. For the second paper, however, er... Damn it was tough! I nearly cried and got a few points wrong. But it's over now. No point thinking about it or moaning over it (already did that with my friend after the paper was collected)...

Once again, IT'S TIME TO RELAX!

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