
May 01, 2012 20:31

Sigh... It's a public holiday today but i'm not allowed to rest... Yes, exams are drawing near! I'm so afraid! What if i don't do well?! Kya!!!!! Going mad. My progress now is really slowwwwwww~~~~~ hope i am able to finish my revision for my literature module and focus on the other. Sigh...(>人<;)

Oh, i find listening to instrumental music a good way of helping me concentrate on my revision! I find that i am able to focus much better and i finish faster! But of course, as usual, i tend to drift off sometimes... While listening to OST from the anime, RUROUNI KENSHIN (OVA), i started to think of a story! I wanna write! Dying to write! But then, i can't... Cos i'm supposed to be studying... Guess that has to wait. Anyway, i wanna write about a love story that takes place during the Tokugawa and Meiji period. Will it be a tragedy... Hmm... Don't know... Maybe... Hahahhaa and i wanna draw several scenes of the story! Gonna do that after the exams!!!!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

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drawing, writing, exams

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