oh no...

Mar 14, 2012 21:12

i'm sick again... yes, again... caught a flu and lost my voice. why me again? i went to see the doctor and gotten a day off from work tomorrow. gonna stay at home to rest and hopefully, recover. i don't wanna spend any more money on medicine! if this goes on, i will be broke before i receive my pay (a long long way to go!).

something HORRIBLE happened this week! i submitted my assignment online and then realised that i forgot to attach a form to the word document! i needed to hand that in together with my assignment. i panicked because because it was a one-time submission... hoping to submit the file again, i called up the school and contacted my lecturer. nothing worked! the school refused to let me submit my form and my lecturer could not do anything about it (all electronic systems are under the control of the school, damn it!). now, i can only hope for the best and pray that i will not be penalised for that one stupid form! why am i so careless?????!!!!!!!!

sick, school

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