exercise... gangsters...

Jun 03, 2011 20:48

exercise is really really important. without exercising, i realised how often i fall sick or feel tired before work or school starts. now, i plan to exercise at least 3 times a week! i will jog in the park near my house and take the stairs instead of the lift (not all the time because i live on the 22nd floor!)! i brought my sport attire and i'm ready to live a healthy lifestyle! one purpose of exercising is also to lose weight! hahahaha! i wanna be thinner than i am now but i can't sacrifice the food that i eat! i love food and no one can stop me from eating!!!!!! *slap my sis' hand* one good thing is i do not like fast food because i think those are junk food and they make me fat (sorry to those who love Mcdonalds or KFC)!

okay, change of story. this afternoon, i brought my students to the soccer court for their usual soccer practice. they were having so much fun when a bunch of gangsters appeared out of nowhere. they didn't say or do anything but their presence and the look they gave us told us that we should leave before a fight breaks out. i didn't want to leave but my boys (students) took off without saying a word. i didn't stop them, instead i followed them out. i asked them,'why leave? we were there first? did something happen?' they replied,'once, they threatened to beat us up'. i was furious! how could they threaten my boys, who are only 9 to 11 years old?! how could they act this way?! they are already in their early 20s! can't they behave like adults and let the children have their fun before using the soccer court?! i hate these idiots! if i had known what they did to my boys, i would have given them some tongue-lashing and punches (if needed... haha...)! i will never allow anyone to threaten or hurt my students! i will do anything to protect them from danger! i will put up a fight of they dare harm my students in anyway again!

exercise, gangsters

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