Aug 11, 2006 00:26
Pharmacy Program
Ok... so the pharmacy program has begun at Nova Southeastern Univ. ... Orientation week is over, and Monday, classes start (with a little mimi-orientation for parents on sunday...).
I'm a bit nervous, but, everything should tide over well enough, i'd figure.
4 years, 4 years of homework/exams/studying... and the SAME 120 students, day in and day out. I hope i dont get mad/fight/argue with anyone, because i'd seriously hate the drama for the 4 years to come. Looks like smooth sailing though, so far, anyways.
Wish me luck. It won't be easy... i'll be living away from home for the first time (only about an hours drive), and away from my girlfriend, and just...away, away from everything/everyone i know. I know an hour isnt alot, but an hours distance is just enough to keep visits infrequent. Just enough to feel a tad bit lonely at the start... and just enough to require i learn how to cook :O .
take care all, i hope you are all doing well :)