...Well, not -all- Japan in particular, just moreso the NEETs and hikkimori that inhabit the darker portions of 2ch. They know who they are.
Otaku Learn Aki Toyosaki Lives with Boyfriend: “Yui is Dead!” GET A LIFE, SERIOUSLY!
I haven't ever watched K-ON!, but I know that these women don't deserve this! Stop acting so damned creepy and just enjoy the show for what it is, and not because 'your [fantasy] waifu' happens to be one of the seiyuu. And if she happens to have a significant other, GET OVER IT!
More than likely, she wouldn't give you the time of day or a second glance. They're only pleasant with you because (this may be a shock to you, but it's probably true) IT'S THEIR JOB, and (for the moment) you're a paying customer. Just because she may have smiled and said "thank you" does not mean she's dying to be your significant other.
So she has a boyfriend. BFD! She's a normal human! A productive member of society. Which is probably more than can be said about you.
Stop trying to strip every detail of their private lives away. What they do at home is their business, not mine. That's why it's called a private life.
Go out and get a job. Become a productive member of society. You never know, maybe you'll find out that you either don't have the time to chase down those seiyuu for all those details, or you might find someone who really -wants- to be your significant other, and you'll stop chasing them to be with her.
But who am I kidding? You're all of the
"2D is better than 3D" camp, so actually meeting a girl
who doesn't come on a piece of polymer or TV screen, is exceedingly unlikely.
Either way, leave these women alone, simply because they actually have lives outside of your stupid moeblob fantasy worlds.
Oh, and breaking merchandise that you paid for is really stupid. It doesn't 'teach anyone a lesson'... It just makes you have to buy another copy when you wanna watch/read/listen to it again.
Way to go... really. More money for the manufacturer, less for you.
Matte ne!