Jun 30, 2009 04:48
What if everything you knew... was a lie?
Seriously. I've liked Asian movies (the non-horror/gore ones anyway) for quite a long time. The trouble usually is that they're so hard to get ahold of, sometimes. While I stay primarily in the Japanese end of live-action, I was aware of the Korean movies as well.
To be honest, I never really paid too much attention to them (mostly because I never had access to any that weren't the usual hack and slash).
So, while I was in Best Buy the other day, on a whim, I picked up a random find. A double-pack from ADV films. It was a Korean movie called Yesterday and the movie I'm talking about right now: 2009: Lost Memories.
I haven't seen Yesterday, yet (mostly in part to the Top Gear Season 10 set I also picked up at the same time), but I just finished watching 2009.
Talk about an attention-grabber. I never once took my eyes off the screen. If this is any indication of how other Korean (non hack/slash) films are, I'm gonna have to invest in a few more, if I can find them.
But anyway, the movie itself posed a very intriguing and interesting premise. What if everything you knew as fact, was actually a lie? That the history you knew to be true, had actually been manipulated by someone who wanted to change a certain aspect of history?
It really shows, rather awesomely, how a single person, changing a single (somewhat minor) event in history, can have global repercussions and change everything on an immensely massive scale.
And from what I gathered, It also played with the idea of "How far are you willing to go to stand up for what you know is right? What are you willing to give up? What lines are you willing to cross? What lines must you never cross?"
Yeah... if you haven't guessed it already, I thoroughly and entirely enjoy political thrillers. Especially if they are based around science-fiction.
Whose side do you take? What do you believe? Who do you trust? Who the hell meddled with the timeline? How do we change it back?
All answers that get my brain spinning off on tangents constantly while trying to unravel the mystery, and make me absolutely enjoy the experience of watching the movie.
Seriously, if you like thrillers, political thrillers, science fiction, and/or Asian cinema (that's not hack/slash), then I'd seriously recommend that you give this movie a watch. I can't guarantee that you will enjoy it, but I know that I sure as hell did!
Matte ne!