Nov 15, 2006 18:12

LMAO, I DID NOT FORGET TO DO THE TAG. I AM SO SORRY. I haven't checked my LJ Friends Entries in ages;; *Bad Rei*

I got tagged by

Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.

1) I absolutely CANNOT sit normally. I will always find some interesting contorted and HAPHAZARD way of sitting which is somehow still comfortable. It takes skill, people. : D

2) I hate socks. I hate shoes. A lot. Which sucks because I need orthotics to live to walk properly. I'm always barefoot at home because of this. Ironically, I hate my feet. OOH, and also, my dislike towards socks and things used to be so bad that when I was younger, I'd purposely rip holes and things in them so I wouldn't have to wear them.

3) Two toes on each of my feet are slightly webbed. It's retarded. My dad has that, too.

4) My skin, when in the sun, can appear to be so painfully white that it once made my (and Emily's) eyes tear up. I've also never met anyone with whiter skin than me. Which is kind of sad. (I've gotten third degree sunburns because of this. It sucks.)

5) My wisdom teeth are coming in sideways. (?!)

6) I fangirl quite rabidly over ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. And usually for short periods of time before obsessing over something else. But then I come back to what I call the fandom limbo, wherein I get obsessed again with original characters (whether they're mine or my friend's). Very rarely do I get reoccuring obsessions. (Like with Legend of Zelda games [too many times to count], Tales of the Abyss [four times], Escaflowne [once in grade three and once in grade nine, which was an interesting time gap], Inuyasha [Which I now hatehatehate like something awful].)


Uahh, and only tagging two people because I'm nice. (?!)

rei's so lazy, tag

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