
Mar 29, 2006 20:48

well, I went to sakuracon with my parents and dez. We had a good time.. Dez was a bit afraid of Seattle... ._. so about half the time she was clinging on to me..
we both dressed up as kitties.. got our pictures taken.. shopped around.. blah blah blah.. really don't feel like talking about sakuracon.. ( because now I can't even remember any of it ) I've really.. moody.. I guess.. not really noticable.. but I do snap occasionly... band practice was okay yesterday.. except for the fact that lindy found out I liked Zach and Nick.. x.x'' that was kinda embaressing, but I did find out.. nick doesn't like me.. most likely same with zach, ._. nick, is a really nice guy.. zach.. ( scares me sometimes.. ) he's an interesting character...
lets see, today was interesting....
everything was the usual until 4th..
I just.. felt really tired.. my brain kept on thinking about everything.. I thought about the past.. ._. god I think back on it too much.. someone in particular got brought up in my mind.. and I just.. couldn't get off of it.. I played my sax, but.. I just couldn't play.. it was really hard
then after lunch.. I walked to my 5th, saw kaitlyn, hugged her.. saw matt.. pestered him about track.. got a hug as usual... >.> and his hands were going lower then usual.. which kinda.. got me thinking about him even MORE.. ( which a hug from him wasn't helping me at all ) I dazed during 5th..6th, did my work.. looked at him for a while.. ( the guy in my mind ) he looked at me.. then I went back to doing solitare...
that ended went to track..
and about the end of our 3 mile.. my ankle started to hurt.. so I was going to ice.. ( never iced.. )
I got my phone just case anyone was going to call..
and Cami called.. my sister was talking to me and started crying, I thoguht she was laughing at first.. because cell phones suck.. and I asked if she was drunk.. then, I heard what she was saying.. and she was crying.. her hand had a huge cut in it and she was rushed to the hospital.. and well.. my sister got the shit beat out of her while my family and I were gone.. she was doing okay when she got home.. but.. I guess yesterday.. when she was gone.. she was late to meet.. her guy friend.. and I guess my sister was late.. so.. the guy got pissed.. and beat her to a bloody pulp..
after her being beaten to a bloody pulp, she went to cami's, got drunk.. and then the hand inncendent happened.. but during the time Cami was telling me everything.. I started to think about it.. and.. I didn't notice it at first.. but, I started to cry.. * sigh * thank god only 2 people saw me, but Vic asked what was wrong because I had to write down the name of the hospital, so I wrote it down.. and of course people can read upside down.. he asked what it was about.. but.. I was embarressed about crying, so I ran away and went to dezarea's.. their.. I found no dez.. and.. tried to hold in my tears.. I know a part of me hates my sister for what she has done to me, but deep down I love her and.. I rather not be an only child... so right now, she's at the hospital and my parents are their to comfort her.. my dad said it would be best if I stayed home, so I am.. right now.. at home.. typing everything.. and just.. x.x'' geh.. I don't know how I feel right now.. I guess I feel nothing at the momment.. its not like this isn't the first time..
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