Title: A Wildness Warily Awakened
ethareiRating: NC-17
Genre and/or Pairing: Futuristic Sci-Fi, Military, Zombie; Derek/Stiles
Spoilers: none applicable to the show canon
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence (so much violence)
Word Count: 64,500
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters mentioned herein; they’re based on the MTV series "Teen Wolf", which in turn is based on the 1985 movie of the same name. No profit has been made from the creation or posting of these fanworks.
Notes: Written for
teenwolf-bb. Fantastic artwork by
spheredra, all of which can be viewed in
The Art Masterpost on tumblr (one image is NSFW).
Derek Hale and his Specialized Combat Agents Unit are assigned to B-CON Base, a research facility in the heart of the lone human settlement on planet Cali. Normally, such an isolated place would not warrant the presence of Specs - the Infection is raging across the known galaxy, after all, and zombies don’t kill themselves (unless there are no tastier alternatives at hand) - but Derek is on a private hunt for his sister. He soon discovers that the rest of his team have ties to the place as well.
It’s all just coincidence, of course. (No matter what Stiles bleats on about those.)
Also, zombies.
one of the many beautiful pieces by
spheredra (
A Wildness Warily Awakened - at AO3 )