And it has come also for me! T___T and I still can't believe it! On 14th december 2009 I graduated in Asian Studies and Languages with honors, and I'd easily say that this is the best thing that has happened to me in this awfull year. I was shaking just like a leaf when my relator announced the final votation.
It's just too beautiful. Too beautiful to be true. It's not in my style to talk about personal things, but yes, there have been a bunch of problems that me and my family had to face this year, and the happy ending wasn't so obvious.
But everything is over now and I think that also without the graduation thing, I'd be just happy to have my family still here with me.
Of course, my graduation is just like the iching on the cake! XD and it helps a lot to increase my mood!
This is just to say that after all, I'm back :)
I didn't take any photos by myself; my friends did it for me and I'm going to post here something as soon as I receive them :) PS: My thesis was about philological analysis of "Ko-uta", traditional musical componements sung by geisha in the late Edo period.
I've always been attracted to Ukiyo since the first time I read about it and I did my best to try to find a striking topic for my thesis somewhat linked to it. My relator liked it very much!
During the graduation cerimony, also Miyon was there dressed like a geisha! XD After all, once upon a time, he was the most famous geisha in Gion district so why don't bring him too? Surely he'd be very familiar with this genre of componements V_V
(Of course, only my relator knew the truth about *HIM* XD everyone there didn't even suspected that it was a HE and not a SHE! XD)