Aug 31, 2005 21:00
no, now physically today, today was nothing but stay at home and mourn. gavin came over for a lil bit..... uuggh!!! cramps kinda ruined my day..... sorry i was being a poo head.... but believe me.... it HURTS so yeah..... im sorry if i was a bit cranky.... uumm... lately life's been weird...... i dont feel the same.... and doesnt mean i dont love you anymore, its just the whole concept of me and you is not on my most wanted list..... i liked how we were at the mall...... we were cool and chillin and it was fun... but when u get too forward on me..... it just makes me feel weird.... so please..... stop..... try to cooperate with me..... i know its hard but please try.... i dont wanna push away from u any further...... sigh...... besides from that, driver's Ed was fun, but waaayyy too long..... i cant believe i have it next week too..... sigh.... 7 hours of nonstop driving theory.....ooh and the best part, "field trips" to the corner of the street.... FUUNNNNN...... i gotta give him some credit tho, the teacher is preety cool.... but its still waaayyy too long... uummm.... my chobits package came in.... one of 3 i ordered...... jeesh, some people just take forever in mailing the stuff...... umm.... grr.... i have school on tuesday..... omg..... i soooooo dont wanna go back to all that HW.... i mean, school is fine, but homework totally kills my mood to going there...... uumm.... i got my ipod finally, but for some reason it wont update.... i might have to install the software again...... if i can find it..... grrrrrr...... uuumm.... what else.... i want to leave this town.... but im afraid im stuck for the next 2 years..... maybe less..... but rounded up its 2 years..... sheesh.... ok.... well..... i really cant find much else to say..... so l8r