Dreams, pt. 2

Feb 22, 2007 09:32

So, remember when I said I dreamt that Jensen was hooking up with Vanessa Bell? Apparently my subconscious couldn't let that go. Last night, I dreamed a meeting of the Bloomsbury Group, and, yes, Jensen and Vanessa were there, together. But, in an even stranger twist, Jared was as well. But as a TS Eliot-esque type person, the American who doesn't quite fit in but really desperately wants to.

When I woke up, after smacking my alarm clock and then throwing it across the room in order to get it turned off (slept on my hands, no feeling in my fingers), I stared at the ceiling, ran into the door, and nearly overbalanced in the shower, all the while thinking about how feasible it would be to AU those two back into the '20s. And then I wondered why I was even having that thought, because I don't write RPF/S.

Jensen Ackles/Vanessa Bell. My mind will just not let go of the idea, and I don't even know why.


*Is weird*


ETA! Name me off a current actress who would fit the bill of playing Vanessa Bell. Oh, er, please.


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