Ha HA! Rough draft of D3S is done, and it only took thirteen days. *Facepalms* Clocking in right now at 27,200 words, though I expect that to change during edits. No promises as to when it'll be ready for mass consumption -- it needs some work and I plan on spending a lot of time this weekend sleeping, but I'm aiming for Monday or Tuesday to begin posting. It'll be going up in five parts, like the others.
Also, I started the fifth 5D5D fic today before my nap. Just a couple hundred words, but it's something, and I'm looking forward to writing this one. (Though don't I say that about all of them?)
In non-fic related news, I'm still vaguely sick, but getting better. And. AND! I have THE best friends ever. *Hugs you all!*
Sam looks up at him, as if he’s intrigued by the noise, and the way Sam’s looking at Dean makes Dean want to back down, because Sam’s studying him the way he studies the creatures they fight and kill, eyes gleaming, nostrils flaring, mouth open the slightest bit. Dean doesn’t ease down, though; he looks right back at Sam, almost in challenge, though his mouth dries when Sam’s lips curve upwards.