You know, when I'm not on LJ/the email all day, I really miss you guys? (I also feel like I owe a bazillion of you comments on entries over the past two days, but I probably won't ever get to them. Forgive me?)
Pulled another long day at the warehouse/client's office and had an awesome time.
As far as Blue goes, obviously I didn't spend as much time with it today as I would have liked, but I think I'm about one scene away from being done with the draft. Current word count: 25,400. Current warnings? Not too much. Pretty boring after Otherside. Hm. At least the next one will be messier. Er. Literally.
*Hugs* you all!
Sam rubs his head, sits up, squinting in the light. Unlike Dean, Sam is completely incapable of holding his alcohol, so it doesn’t surprise Dean one bit when Sam turns slightly green and stands up, moving unsteadily to the bathroom and kneeling in front of the toilet. Dean follows Sam into the bathroom, gets out his toothbrush and toothpaste, scrubs his teeth and tongue for five minutes, and then feels like a new man.
“I’m thinking maybe that burger I had last night was the best ever,” Dean says, conversationally. “Not too greasy, but the mayonnaise, man. Bar’s the best place to get real mayonnaise.”
“Fuck you,” Sam groans, then starts throwing up. Dean grins, ruffles Sam’s hair, and walks out of the bathroom, sits with his back to the bathroom, and feels just as sick as Sam when he remembers what they talked about last night.