Sep 08, 2006 20:22
So I'm watching Apocalypse Now Redux on Bravo and very slightly drunk (which probably is the reason for watching A.N.R.), and I needed to just...rant. A little. In a good way. And I thought about phone-posting, but I might do that later if I keep drinking at this rate. But it's just...Conrad was so good, y'know? Narrative within narrative, layers upon layers, all of his work, with the perspectives and the unreliability and the description, good God, the description, and just absolutely brilliant. And this film, Conrad's books, they're so stifling, like this pressure just coming at you from all angles, and maybe that's why I didn't like him at first, but now, after everything, just so brilliant, like these hints of madness at the edges of everything, like sunlight filtering around closed windows, and it's always hot, y'know? Like you can't be mad without heat, like they feed off each other, like madness makes you hotter and the heat makes you madder, and Conrad, man, he knew this, he knew this.
(In a sidenote, still watching, still drinking. I've got part one of a post-apocalypse SPN fic finished. Funny, I think -- all this talk of apocalypse. It's even hot in my fic. Hot and mad. I'm, like, obsessed.)