(no subject)

Nov 12, 2005 18:57

Spamming LJ like I haven't in a long time.

Hugh: So to you language is more than just a means of communication?

Stephen: Er, of course it is, of course it is, of course it is. Language is a whore, a mistress, a wife, a pen-friend, a check-out girl, a complimentary moist lemon-scented cleansing square or handy freshen-up wipette. Language is the breath of God, the dew on a fresh apple, it's the soft rain of dust that falls into a shaft of morning sun when you pull from an old bookshelf a forgotten volume of erotic diaries; language is the faint scent of urine on a pair of boxer shorts, it's a half-remembered childhood birthday party, a creak on the stair, a spluttering match held to a frosted pane, the warm wet, trusting touch of a leaking nappy, the hulk of a charred Panzer, the underside of a granite boulder, the first downy growth on the upper lip of a Mediterranean girl, cobwebs long since overrun by an old Wellington boot.



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