Jul 08, 2016 15:40
The thing that I have to remember with writing is that it may not be a lack of motivation, I may just be heading down the wrong street. So often when I hit a block, it's because the story has gone in a direction that isn't the way it's supposed to. I'm merrily going along and then BAM, NOTHING. I'm learning to go back and find the spot where the plot takes a turn that it shouldn't and begin again from there.
(Current story-in-progress, based on a Tennessee Williams poem, case in point: no, there is no recognition. Maggie does not exist. Neither does the conversation. There is no Masha, there is no 'thanks for the drink.' There is only a boatneck sweater, too many drinks, not enough light, knives made of steel, yes, but also bone, lips, teeth, smiles. So. Cut that scene; return: a beast, a bar, a Beauty.)
We're finally getting the rain here that we need. I have my fingers crossed that I get to leave work a teeny bit early today so I can go home and go straight back to bed. At some point this weekend I'm going to make chicken parm pizza but I have doubts that it'll be tonight. Sleep will be tonight. Maybe a bowl of cereal for dinner whenever I wake up. Mmm. Sleep. Yes. I like this. Especially if it keeps thundering. I love curling into bed while it's storming.