A couple quick things.

Jul 09, 2011 11:49

&. I have been at the new job for four weeks now and I am still loving both it and the people therein, and I don't think I've been quite this happy without medication for a while. Here's hoping it lasts! (I know I should probably say more about it but really, there's so much. Three separate times yesterday, for three different reasons, I just stopped and said out-loud, "This is my job, now." And then burst out into uncontrollable smiles/laughter.)

&. I haven't been reading many SPN/J2 bigbangs, but I liked these:

&&. briarwood's When The World Is Burning - the first of a promised three story-arc (so while this part had a definite finish, it didn't feel like it had a definite end), I liked the way this dealt with Sam's addiction.

&&. aythia's Royally Complicated - I am currently in one of my slash-off periods, so I skipped the sex scenes entirely, but the story was fun and lighthearted and a quick, easy read.
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