
Jul 01, 2011 21:09

In the past week, three people (including Roommate B.!) have told me that they are never sure when I'm joking about something and when I'm being completely serious. It's a little unnerving, truth be told.


Work proceeds apace. PE K and I were teasing each other about the copier and about our dream jobs. Most people left by lunchtime; after 2pm, there were only 4 of us left in the field office. It made for a surprisingly relaxing and enjoyable Friday afternoon. Also, I made PM C laugh! Which felt like a huge achievement, let me tell you. And, during our Thursday staff meeting, I was told that I am one of the guys. Victory!


Things I have been enjoying lately:

& This Chronicles of Narnia, Golden Age fic. It's an Edmund fic, sort of, and an Edmund/Jadis fic, but not really. It's more about fate and religion and points of view and fanaticism and politics. Or, it's about two people, intimately connected, playing a game. I still haven't decided which.

& dear_tiger's 2011 bigbang, Alive and Well (And Living in Hell). With a tagline like "At least thirteen people claim to have either personally witnessed or participated in the death of Sam or Dean Winchester, sometimes both. Oh well. They say true love never dies" how could I resist? The story is good but the storytelling is better.

& Femme Fatale.
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