Jun 20, 2011 21:42

Today was totes a Monday, in that I stopped on the way home and did some way unproductive shopping, and then picked up a bottle of wine -- a bottle of wine which is now entirely gone. *Mournful* In my defense, I was not the only one drinking!


PM B. wore an UnderArmour polo shirt today, which, um. So. This is totes random and TMI but I just. I don't know, okay? But something about seeing the logo just does something to me. I blame people like Manu Neuer, Tom Brady, Robin Van Persie, and David Villa. Also, Lukas Podolski, HELLO. (Okay, so David wears Adidas, but I see the PowerWeb and I think "base layer!" which leads to "under armour!" which leads to -- YOU GET THE POINT.)

...ANYWAY. My point was, PM B. wore an UnderArmour polo shirt today, and it was awesome.


Our heat advisory today went from noon until nine (a couple hours later than usual). This afternoon, places a little closer to the ocean breeze set a new record high: 103°F, with a heat index in some spots of close to 120°F. We have a thermometer hanging from one of the trailers, in the shade, and when I was leaving at 5pm, that sucker read 105°F. Ugh. HOT. And this is only June!! I cannot WAIT to see what the weather's going to be like come July/August, though something tells me the construction crews are not feeling the same way.


Roommate B's birthday is tomorrow (actually, she just yelled at me and asked what time it was, and then said, 'OH MY GOD I WILL BE 21 IN TWO AND A HALF HOURS') and we are going out for dinner. By which I mean to say, we are going out for Guinness and cheese fries. Boorah.
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