Last night I went to the mall with Ryan. We ran into Brock and Melissa. *Cough*Franklin*Cough* hehe Anyway...I bought Good Charlottes new cd. It's good, but I like the last one better. Then Ryan walked me home, it was nice. We went to see Fahrinhight(sp?)451 today, it was really good. It was cold in the theature though. Trudys party is tomorrow. I have to babysit in about 45 minutes. Well I have to go eat supper, I'll update tomorrow.
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulrei_ayaname goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as vampire.
badfish_jive_ gives you 16 tan grapefruit-flavoured gummy bears.
betrayed_87 tricks you! You lose 1 pieces of candy!
blondeinnocence tricks you! You lose 8 pieces of candy!
brockissa gives you 3 tan banana-flavoured nuggets.
jamesamin tricks you! You get a clothespin.
k_flo tricks you! You get a wad of paper.
morganlefay666 gives you 3 dark blue mint-flavoured pieces of taffy.
murder_child gives you 16 red vanilla-flavoured miniature candy bars.
myabi gives you 13 purple spearmint-flavoured gummy fruits.
numb24_7 gives you 17 teal spearmint-flavoured gumdrops.rei_ayaname ends up with 59 pieces of candy, a clothespin, and a wad of paper.Another fun meme brought to you by