Mar 11, 2009 06:49
I want to invite everyone to tune in to my Radio Interview on the Parents Tool Talk Radio Show with Jody Pawel. It will be entitled: "Parenting After Divorce". Here are the details:
This Friday, March 13, 2009 - 12pm Eastern Time
The topic will be single, divorced and remarried parents.
My bio: Ron Huxley is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Family
Wellness Instructor, national speaker and columnist, web site producer,
community mental health director, family advocate, and father of four! He is
the founder of and Ron has appeared
as a guest expert for the media in newspapers, magazines, television and radio.
He is also an experienced public speaker, having presented at a host of conferences,
school programs, corporations and professional associations.
Some of the topics we will cover include:
>What research says about divorced parents and how their children fare
>3 simple tools parents (married or not) can use when they disagree
>Some of the most common problems divorced parents face and practical
tips for preventing or resolving each one. (Some examples: how grief and
loss affects children of divorce, how parents can avoid putting children in
the middle of their conflicts or what to do if their ex-spouse does this, etc.)
>Live Q&A with listeners.
Please submit your questions to!
We will broadcast LIVE this week on Friday, March 13, 2009
at 12 p.m. Eastern Time.
Call In To Listen Or Ask Questions: (347) 205-9654.
You can call in live on any cellular or land-based line, or through a
VoIP service such as Skype or Windows Live Messenger. Long distance
or other charges from your telephone company or service provider may apply.
Listen live on the Internet: go to and click
on this month's show title. Look for the BlogTalkRadio media player above
Jody's picture; the show will begin playing either automatically after 12 p.m.
Eastern Time, or you can start the show by pressing Play. Once you are there,
you can use the chat feature to submit a question during the live show.
Hope you all can join us!