
May 13, 2009 14:50

little updates for last week..... (4/5/09 ~ 10/5/09)


second lesson of my ele2~ woot... difficult ne! >_< *cuzofmylaziness+lowunderstanding=slowinprogress*

wed went highlighting...in specific...i was being a model for a traineee.... as the salon is located inside Holiday Inn Hotel, ii have to walllkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... be4 it started... i went the jap restaurant, which is jus beside thesalon, to have my dinner... yuppp im prepared to any high coost... n indeed... cuz of my lazinesss to walk further away to have my dinner, i made BIGBIG hole to my pocket.~ but! definitely a nice experience... why do i say tat??? It's called " Nakasei Sushi Restaurant " . *pls click the second navi.. the guy is the main chef..* HE SPOKE TO ME IN JAP!!!!! ^^ "Nihon-jin desuka." i was like... *shocked* "Iie. Iie..." LOL!!! i kept smiling lo. haa! its truly a jap restaurant, unlike Sakura, Ichiban, Sakae, etc.... a so-traditional jap restaurant... HEHE!!! *NoRegrets!*

fri went guang ming si.. queuing and queueing... in d end.. i nvr walk... O_O took care of boyboy while others are praying n walking .. for over 2HOURsS!!! me n boyboy slept in the canteen, one corner... ok., my hands ARE ACHY ok!!! total time spent in the temple.. from 9pm++ tilll 430am!!! went lor7 market to look fo rmy aunties~ *shag* den went hm... slept @ 7am! BOOM! till next day 2pm! wahahaha!!!

den here comes the holiday... i met up with angel, @ ard 8pm... went to Tampines1 to walk and had our dinner dere... we ate.... " Manpuku Japanese Gourment Town ". HAHA!!! another new jap cuisine for me!!! quite nice ne... ^^ den a pok of mahjongin angel hse... HOMESWTHOME!~

okok... Lastly for my mum's celebn for Mother's Day, we went Sakura (orchard) for buffet.... *kya! no i noticed! a ate 3 jap cuisines for the wk!* den we walked ard orchard... wanted to go LV Boutique.. but closed alrdy... i told my sis... "if i dare, i will go over n tell the person... Sorry... but Mr. XXXX has alrdy book the wholeplace for me to shop in..." and we go LOL!!! as if i dare... LOL!!! toook some pic with one of the Audi cars.... LOL!!! on the street.... we posed here n dere... -_-" haha! nvm. we had fun! LOL!!! ok... 10+ we went back home~

haha~ ok.. quite a funny and experience - full week... *alsoaspendyweeeekk* as for now...i should be working de... *slacking la* so...

off i go... *muackz*

my dedication of my 仁...

you shot me.you caught me.

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