Title: You'll Meet a Sticky End
Fandom: The Bible, Oscar Wilde's Salome
Subject: Salome(/John the Baptist)
"Well, Jokanaan, I'm still alive, but you, you're dead and your head belongs to me.
I can do whatver I want with it. I can throw it to the dogs and the birds of the air.
Whatever scraps the dogs leave behind, the birds will finish off ...Ah! Ah! Jokanaan,
Jokanaan, you were the only man I loved."
Hello Night (Zoe Keating)
Sleep (Soap&Skin)
they asked me what I do tonight
it answers, search for the moon
no, don't follow him
swallow him, swallow them
(...) I'll dream of what I've dreamed of
and I dream of what I call love
Fire in the Blood (The Bootleggers)
I do no sleeping, I get lonely
you can touch me if you want to
I got poison, just might bite you
(...) ain't no mercy in my smiling
only fangs and sweet beguiling
All Mine (Portishead)
never enough, render your heart to me
all mine, you have to be
(...) make no mistake, you shan't escape
tethered and tied
there's nowhere to hide from me
Vampire Smile (Kyla La Grange)
baby, I need a friend
but I'm a vampire smile
you'll meet a sticky end
Rid of Me (PJ Harvey)
I'll tie your legs
keep you against my chest
oh, you're not rid of me
I'll make you lick my injuries
I'm gonna twist your head off, see?
Beguiled (Splashdown)
what a a charming sound my tail makes
wrapped around your neck
(...) what a charming wine your tears make
as I raise my cup to your fate
Woman Scorned (Saint Saviour)
Dimbleby and Capper Remix
these are the words of a woman scorned
hell hath no fury and I still feel burned
Dance (Christine Owman)
she's the best damn woman that you ever saw
the way she teases you to death
when her eyes are on you, you'll do anything
(...) she's dancing, baby
but she's not dancing for you
Salome (La Mar Enfortuna)
now bring me the head of that ivory pale boy
he ain't no saint 'til I've taken my joy
all the treasure in Palenstine will never replace
that strong, strong head, contemptuous face
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