-Music: It Won't Be Long, Evan Rachel Wood
-Quote of the Here and Now: 'I am thankful to the man who lost his memory completely but still felt a compulsive, undeniable love for his wife who reinstilled some of my faith in the existence of true love.' - Kaisa
Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! We got turkey subs of yum. Also, for better or worse, complications and all, all my college apps are in. I have to do the FAFSA now, and whatever the hell supplement TCNJ wanted. I was hoping not to see the Guidance Office for a while. Sigh.
On a rather random note, does anyone have questions they'd like to ask of/to characters? I don't know if anyone cares that much, but questions tickle me pink, so I figured I'd ask. XD If anyone cares I might do that next entry.
Man, taking this thing again was NOT worth it.
Critical Reading: 700 - 20 points up.
Math: 540 - Down 70
Writing: 590 - Down 30
So, for all the fuss and hatred, I brought my grand score to a total of 1930 - twenty points higher. Awesome. Glad I wasted my time.
- A feral, four-legged Ktaju head, M.W. head shots, and a streamlined sharkish wiger show up.
- The rest is stuff for a story with vampires(amongst weres and mavericks), with Nick and Cierra. Nick's the vampire, Cierra is not. Cierra wound up looking a little TOO stickly, but I don't care much. I like her massive hoodie.
Something I don't want to share, but will despite its horrendous nature. Jacques really doesn't have enough hair to do pigtails with, but his girlfriend is determined. And also really ugly. Why would I computerize this? WHY?
- Jacques has been off model and a bit more wolfish lately, as I think I mentioned. So I took the time to try and practice him a bit more on model. I also find I often forget his whiskers, which I kept in mind here.
- There's no way a bird would do that with a fox, but I don't care. Chickadees are awesome.
- Yes, Patricia is hungry. GO FORTH, YOUNG TICOU. They will probably get thai.
- Kitties and an impostor. I love kitties.
A pixel art ID fad went around the intarwebs recently, and I wanted to jump in on it despite the "rule" being that you use your avatar, not a character.
In any case, I wound up making the head way too small for an ID ANYWAY. Still, I really kinda like it, first pixel art and all. I want to do it again...almost. Maybe one day.
That's all. Hope everyone's well, I've got an essay to rewrite.
Signing out!
~ R. Otes
P.S. - Reread a bunch of older Carpe Diem, and re-realized what an ASS Kevin is, even if he has regrets. Still never got to liking Trent, though.