Me and my brother's project!

Jul 21, 2011 12:37

So, me and my brother are currently doing a... thingie?... It's like a comic, I think. I'm not sure yet. I'm going to show you our characters! They are kinda weird, these are only sketches and we don't really have a storyline yet, but I like them, so yeah.

I should warn you that we still don't know where the story's set, but we were thinking maybe in the Washington state (not Washington DC)

Meet ALEX DECEMBER! He's the main character and honestly, when I drew this, he was just some random guy, but my brother liked him and we started developing him and so he became our main character! (Don't mind the words, they're just lyrics from an Alex Turner song... Maybe that's where we got Alex from...) By the way, that girl back there is nobody, so far. But she will become somebody!

This is my brother's sketch of Alex, and now I'll tell you a little about him.
He's 19 years old and he was born in England (we were thinking in Sheffield, maybe), but his family moved to the US right after he turned 2 (they are American themselves, they were living in England because the father had a job there). However, he is very proud of his nationality and tells everyone he's English, and he even tries to fake a English accent sometimes (but he fails to do so.)
He works in a music store and he has a passion for indie music, and will often drag his sister to indie concerts that she finds boring.

This is SUMMER DECEMEBER, Alex's 21 year old sister, with an ironic name. She was also born in England but unlike her brother, she considers herself to be American since she spent basically all her life in the USA. She works at a cinema and she has no special interest in music, something that pains Alex. She likes to annoy him and to go out with her friends. Oh, and she has a pink highlight (We still haven't thought a lot about her...).

Alex and Summer at a indie concert

Summer's best friend, FREEDOM HOPE FRANKLIN (yes, I am aware she has a terrible name, but it was meant to be) is the most patriotic person ever. Summer and her are totally BFFs. Alex sometimes calls her Free.

GUY MANN is Alex's questionable-looking friend. He delivers pizzas and so has won the nickname of "Guy Pizzaguy".

SANTANA is a weird Portuguese guy that is admired in Alex's group of friends. I don't know much about him because my brother developed him alone.

Alex and a friend talking about Santana. Alex is saying "Who the hell is that freakin' weirdo?" and his friend is replying "Oh, he's that guy, Santana. He's Portuguese. Actually he's kinda awesome."

Another character my brother is developing.

Aaaaand that's it so far! I like the characters. If you have any questions... You can ask them!
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