C-bus yo!

Sep 03, 2007 21:11

I <3 Arnell Damasco, but too bad he has Hotgirl22 all to himself. The weekend was great. Best weekend I've experienced in a while. It was probably up there with ACEN 05, MWS2, hanging out with a shitload of Chicago people at Kelly's 05, my first concert solo in band and other such. It was great hanging out with people I haven't really seen much of this year like Adam, John and Patty. It was really awesome meeting new people like Lee, Jimmy and the Columbus crew. And last but not least, hanging out with Rob, Kelly and lastly, but not least Vinh who has pretty much been like a best friend and a brother from another mother to me. Thanks for putting up with my driving and the Electro-House music.

On Friday after we got to Arnell's place, I was hoping to get to see the Chicago peeps earlier, but I guess that didn't happen! So we all decided to go to Momos to Karaoke. I wanted to sing "My Favorite Things" from the Sound of Music, but the song was at 190bpm and was too fast to sing to. After staying there until 4:00AM, we got back to Arnell's place and waited for the Chicago crew to arrive and when they did, a couple of drunk-ass college kids came down and were talking nonsense. It was strange. They even threatened us to call the cops because we were ruining his study pussy. Why his other friend was there was a mystery to me? Maybe it was a study sausage or something.

On Saturday, we had awesome Greek food at the Greek Festival and we even went Karaoke at otanis. The format at the restaurant was the Super Stage of Death, where the whole patrons of the restaurant can see you sing unlike the small room they have at Cherry Blossom. Patty met us there as well as Jimmy and some of Rob's friends and we were the loudest group in the restaurant. We were probably louder than the Columbus roller derby team that was there. Arnell pretty much rocked the house with the "Beverly Hills Sweater" song, and the whole restaurant was singing, it was great. After singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" with some of the roller derby crew, we hit it off with them so much that they even invited us out again on the 15th. At around 2am, we figured we needed more Karaoke time, so we went back to Momo's and sang there till 4. Afterwards we were all so drowsy, but freaking John wanted us to play tetris, so what would be like a couple games turned out to be like 30 games. It was total hilarity with comments like, "Filipinos eating Magellan," "who the fuck is hotgirl22?" and "Filipino tactics include a banana leaf and a blow dart gun."

On Sunday we pretty much sat ate out, had ice cream and tried to decide on what to do. John came out with the suggestion that we go to a gay club. That seemed pretty fine with me, going to a gay club with ten dudes who pretty much rocked the weekend out. But then as a group, we decided against it (Sorry John! I would have loved to go). So we went bar hopping, with a few cbus people like Marcel and that one asian dude whom I can't recall at the moment cos I learned his name while i was tipsy. Then we finally decided to have a nice video game and drinking night at Arnell's. We got to drink some awesome drinks and I even played a few fighters with the cbus crew. I tried to stay up as long as I could and hang out, but fell asleep shortly. Before leaving on Monday we said out goodbyes and left. What a sad moment to leave.
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