LOG: Defense

Dec 16, 2009 15:38

Mr. Kovacs and Dan go to the gym to start training.

Mr. Kovacs
Mr. Kovacs had told Dan to meet him at the YMCA and had called ahead of time to find out what days and which rooms they could use for his training. He relayed the message to Dan when he called and they settled on a time to meet there. After school the next day, Kovacs runs home to pick up some equipment and the appropriate attire before going to the gym himself. He sits outside the facility, waiting for Dan to show up.

Dan Dreiberg
Dan appears, pedaling on his bike, a gym bag slung over his shoulder. He skids to a stop and locks up his bike by the front of the building before jogging up to Mr. K with a wave hello. His exercise goggles are already strapped on. "Hey!"

Mr. Kovacs
Kovacs smiles softly as he sees the boy arrive on a bicycle, pleased that Dan was exercising with even this smallest of concessions. "Afternoon. Find the place all right?" Of course he did. It was the YMCA. He stands from the bench and move to the door. "Said you have a membership here, right?"

Dan Dreiberg
Dan nods; that's a yes to both questions. "My dad forced me to get one a while back..." Though he doesn't remember putting it to use. Huh.

"So." He pulls open the door, holding it for the man to enter first. "What're you planning to do over the holidays?"

Mr. Kovacs
Kovacs nods at the polite act, muttering a quiet, but appreciative, "Thank you," as he enters the building.

Dan's question catches him off guard and he takes advantage of the check-in at the front desk as a means to think up an appropriate answer once they were through the doors and heading to the locker rooms. "Nothing in particular," he replies honestly. He is bad at small talk, even worse at genuine conversation that isn't a lesson to be taught or a rule to be recited. "Catch up on some reading. Grade projects. Prepare for next semester."

He is silent as he makes a point of holding the door to the locker room for Dan this time, asking a moment later, "Yourself?"

Dan Dreiberg
He smiles at the reciprocated gesture, nodding a thanks. "Well, I'll probably be doing the normal stuff. Dad might be home this Christmas, so we'll bake, set up a tree, decorate." Pause. "You know, you could come over for dinner if you'd like... since it doesn't sound like you're doing anything... festive."

He shrugs the bag off, dropping it on a bench in the locker room. He hesitates a moment to unzip his bag before tugging of his shirt, replacing it with a white under shirt.

Mr. Kovacs
Kovacs opens a locker and sits down on a bench, kicking his shoes off and putting them inside. It has been a long time since he had been to the gym with anyone that he fraternized with before (and he was wary of even considering it that--fraternity), and it feels odd to actually talk to someone in a locker room, but he carries on regardless.

"Hurn, didn't think you celebrated Christmas. Thought Dreiberg was a Jewish name."

He stands and untucks his shirt, pulling it and his wife-beater over his head and stuffing them into the locker. He isn't particularly modest and is not especially embarrassed or concerned with his undressing, save keeping his bad shoulder (the one that is stitched and bandaged from a recent knife battle on patrol) as well out of view as possible. He grabs a black t-shirt and pulls it on, selecting it with the exact purpose of hiding it and the bandage or any other indication of it should he pull the stitches and bleed. He doesn't want questions on that yet, even if Dan is a friend of the younger Rorschach.

The invitation to dinner gives him pause and he glances over at Dan, then quickly away when he realizes that he is still dressing. "Thank you, but I don't think that would be very appropriate."

Dan Dreiberg
He digs through the bag for shorts and indoor shoes, quickly tugging both on. He speaks as he begins tying the laces. "My dad is Jewish but we're not too hardcore about it. - My mum is Catholic, so we're decidedly doing Christmas."

Dan looks back up at his teacher for a moment, then switches feet and begins tying his left shoe. "Okay, fair enough. You really should do something though! It's the fun time of the year." :3

Mr. Kovacs
Kovacs chuckles, concerning his familial religious traditions, "Interesting combination."

Pants next, which he is a bit more modest about. He unbuckles his belt and reaches for his sweatpants before even considering dropping his fly. He steps directly out of his trousers and into his sweatpants, pulling them up immediately and tying the drawstring. He tosses his pants into the locker as well and then takes his shoes and starts on them.

"Don't mean to--" He pauses, tightening the knot and considering what his refusal would be construed as. "Would like to accept. We'll... We'll see." He has never been one to celebrate the holidays.

"Do your parents know what we're doing?" he asks, desperate to change the subject from himself.

Dan Dreiberg
"Uhm, my dad does. Frankly, he's glad I'm getting exercise." He stands up after giving his laces a reinforcing tightening tug. He runs a hand through his hair, desperately trying to get it to stay down. Meh. Dan tosses his bag into a locker, then snaps the goggles that were resting on his forehead over his eyes.

"Oh, and - no pressure about the dinner invite thing... I didn't mean to... er, cross the student-teacher boundary." He honestly hopes the other doesn't feel too offended. In fact, he offers a Dreiberg!Smile. Much more heartwarming than a regular one.

Mr. Kovacs
"Hurn," Kovacs hums as he looks over at Dan. Dan rarely has anything good to say about his father. It's a rule that one cannot get along with one's parents, Kovacs knows, but that doesn't make it any easier. He lets the issue slide, however. It's none of his business.

Kovacs stands and closes his locker, putting a padlock on it, then picks up his gym bag and slings it over his shoulder. He turns to Dan as he backtracks his way through the invitation, about to denounce it, tell him it's all right, but Dan smiles one of the most genuine smiles he has ever seen and it seems to settle the issue. Kovacs' brows purses and he feels the corner of his mouth twitch up into a small smirk. He nods.


Dan Dreiberg
"Yep!" He grins with the enthusiasm of... something very enthusiastic. "What're you going to show me first?" He's running the brief lesson of self-defense Mr. K taught a few days ago in his head.

Mr. Kovacs
Kovacs looks over his shoulder at him as he leads him from the locker room. "Eager, are we?" he says with a chuckle, about as teasing as Kovacs ever gets. "Going to teach you how not to get yourself killed," he answers, still only mostly serious.

He leads him through the numerous parts of the gym into a dark, unoccupied room. He switches the lights on to reveal a small area covered in mats and padded walls. Kovacs perks a brow, musing that they are stepping into an asylum. It will work however. "Have this room for up to three hours. Have to pay small fee for it. Don't mind paying for it as long as you don't waste my time." He shoots Dan another look as he moves against the wall adjacent to the door and drops his bag. "Not that I expect you to."

Dan Dreiberg
:l You know, Mr. K, if you had just TOLD Dan, he'd have gladly payed for you. In fact... "You really don't have to pay for it, Mr. K. You're already teaching, so it's only fair that I cover the cost of the room..." He drops his bag by the wall as well, taking his time in poking the soft padded wall. At least getting pinned wouldn't hurt as much...?

Mr. Kovacs
"It's five dollars an hour, Dan. Not a problem at all. Pay more for lunch every day." Kovacs' smirk persists.

He dumps out his bag: a couple of pairs of boxing mitts, one set of headgear, a mouth guard, tape, first aid kit, a couple pairs of foot pads, punching mats, and a cup. "Would recommend getting a mouth guard and, er... a cup. Just for when we get more physical." He shrugs nonchalantly.

He looks to Dan, "Go on and start stretching."

Dan Dreiberg
Dan does just that. He starts off with toe-touches. "A cup...? Blink. "Okay." Keeping the Dreiberg-sac intact is a high priority on Dan's list.

Mr. Kovacs
"Unless you want to use mine," Kovacs says, still smirking. It isn't an offer of course. That would be... Weird.

"What sorts of ways have you been bullied or attacked before, Daniel?" he asks, turning around to face him and stretching himself.

Dan Dreiberg
Continues doing... other generic stretches. "Uhm, it's usually just being ganged up on. I do get noogies a lot though." D: THEY BUUURN.

Mr. Kovacs
"Hurn. Will teach you how to get out of choke holds today then.

"All right," Kovacs begins, moving to the center of the room and pacing about for a moment. "Most important thing about self-defense and fighting is the mind set. One of most important ways to get out of any situation that requires you to fight or implement a defense mechanism is to be in right mindset. Is easy to panic when attacked and may sound impossible, but best thing you can do is stay calm. Need to keep your head clear so can think your way through it. Like I said before, knowledge is power, if you use your brain, you can make it through.

"Never go into a fight with a set idea of how it will go down. Fights are just as unexpected as any other thing in life. Can have no expectations of your opponent. For all you know, he is," he smirks and straightens, "a street fighter who boxed and mastered martial arts all the way through college. No sense in planning, only in being prepared and being ready to strike when the opportunity presents itself." He suddenly bears down, bending at the knees in a wide stance, his fists coming up to protect his chest and his face. He throws a punch into the air with his left, moving his entire body with it and growling a low, "Ruuh!

"Want to eliminate threat as quickly and efficiently as possible and without getting hurt. For now, since you aren't experienced enough to fight back very well, will focus on helping you to get away, or to at least take on one other.

"Never let your guard down. Will be difficult lesson to learn, to always be aware of your surroundings especially when under pressure. Don't worry about that just yet. Comes with experience. Don't get cocky. Pride is a major downfall of many fighters.

"Think, perhaps, one of the reasons why you are picked on, Daniel, is because your bullies don't expect you to fight back. Surprise them. But know your limits."

Dan Dreiberg
"I am going to fight back! S'why I'm meeting up with you after all, isn't it?" He smiles and jabs the air in front of him with a playful grin. At this point in time, Dan doesn't think he CAN get cocky... not until he's at least a little more practiced in the arts of asskicking."

Mr. Kovacs
"Ehhn, all in due time. After all, if you get attacked by guy three times your size and twice as b, doubt you'll want to fight him as much as get away."

Dan Dreiberg
"You might want to teach me how to Parkour too... I'm not great at running away either." @_@

Mr. Kovacs
Kovacs chuckles. "As I said. All in due time. First thing is first, however. If you can't add two and two, can't expect to learn to multiply, can you?

"First thing you want to do is assess the situation. Want to give a good appraisal of what your chances are, and want to do it fast. How many opponents are there? Do they have back up?

"Where are there hands? What is in them? Are they armed? If one has a lethal weapon of any type, would obviously be your best bet to do whatever they tell you. Should never try to disarm someone unless you are very, very good at doing so. Chances are they are very good at wielding it. The idea is to survive, after all."

Dan Dreiberg
Nod, nod. "Will you teach me how to disarm later?" For some reason, Dan gets the feeling Mr. K is good at that...

Mr. Kovacs
Kovacs smiles, "Teach you everything I know, long as you don't abuse it."

Dan Dreiberg
INNOCENT FAISE. "Do I look like the abusive type to you?" Though he probably doesn't have to put on an innocent face to look... well, innocent.

Mr. Kovacs
Kovacs frowns, looking down. "Not entirely what I mean. And... In my experience, not the look of a man that gives any indication to what sort of man he is." Kovacs is living proof of that. "Anyway..."

Dan Dreiberg
Mistah K! Didn't mean to make you frown. He waits for him to go on.

Mr. Kovacs
"It's also a good idea, later, when you're better experienced, to look for a weapon yourself. Practically anything can be used as weapon. Shouldn't take up a weapon unless know how to use it. Will train you to use your fists as your best weapon in any case. Still, having something in your hands can be helpful, even if you don't plan to use it. Intimidation goes a long way.

"Rest of it will come with experience and practice. Will lean to assess the easiest way to knock your opponent out or catch him off guard."

Dan Dreiberg

Mr. Kovacs
"And, if you do fight back, only attack until they are no longer attacking you." It's not a rule that he personally upholds; he usually attacks until the other can't attack anymore, but that's not exactly the lesson he wants to be teaching. "In the eyes of the law, once an assailant is immobilized, any attack beyond what was done to put them that way is no longer considered self defense. Also, attacking unnecessarily can bring extra, unneeded harm to both your opponent and yourself.

"Have you ever punched anything before, Daniel?"

Dan Dreiberg
"Of course I have." It wasn't more of a punch than it was... some kid running into his fist but NONETHELESS.

Mr. Kovacs

Dan Dreiberg
"Him, or me?" Head tilt.

Mr. Kovacs
Your fist. Did it hurt?

Dan Dreiberg
"Not particularly. Though this one time I was having trouble with a pinball machine and I punched that. It... kinda hurt."

Mr. Kovacs
He smirks, approaching Dan, holding his left hand out, palm down, to show him. "Consider the bones in your hand... Versus the bones of your skull." He makes a first with his hand and aligns it with the the flat of the palm of his right hand. "Hit someone in the face hard enough, going to break bones in you hand."

He opens his hand again, pointing out various places, particularly the knuckles of his middle and index fingers, which are considerably bigger then the rest. "Broken them so many times, I don't care to count.

"For now... Don't go sucker punching people."

Dan Dreiberg
Dan leans in close to inspect Walter's knuckles, then steps back to look down at his own. "I'll try to restrain myself from doing so."

Mr. Kovacs
He resists the urge to close his fist again as Dan leans close, but refrains. He's going to have to get used to them being close to one another. He takes a step away.

Another smirk. "As with what I told you before, rely on what you know. Where does it hurt the most to get hurt?"

Dan Dreiberg
"... Was that rhetorical?" Because he knows several places where it's very unpleasant to get hurt in.

Mr. Kovacs
"No." He tilts his head to the side, waiting for an answer.

Dan Dreiberg
"Uhm, I get punched in the gut a lot. That's... not fun. And I hate getting the wind knocked out of me." Not that he knows anyone who DOES like that, but...

Mr. Kovacs
"Never been kneed or kicked in the groin?" Kovacs' stomach clenches a bit. It's fighting dirty but it's affective and it hurts to think about every damn time.

Dan Dreiberg
Blink. "No." ... Weirdly enough. "Oh, actually - I had to babysit some cousins a few years ago... they liked to play rough and..." Wince.

Mr. Kovacs
"Hern. Possibly most painful thing. Ever. Sure way to get another guy off of you, too. Though not always the case. Have seen men practically unstoppable while on drugs."

gym, big!kovacs, wee!dan

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