LOG: Safety

Mar 16, 2010 03:44

Rorschach nods and is gone. He runs and runs and runs, sped on by worry and doubt and the sick feeling in his gut that says it's already too late.

He has messed up big time. The Twilight Lady had looked surprised to see him. Hadn't known there were two of them. And she had beaten Walter until he was covered in bruises and welts.

Rorschach had wanted to kill her. Outright murder her. He had overlooked justice, wrongfully risen above it, and taken the law into his own hands. Like Rorschach, like his predecessor, the man he never ever wants to become.

And Walter is ruined, possibly dying and it's all his fault. If he hadn't let those punks in the street stop him... If he had been on his game... If he hadn't made Nite Owl get Archie because he was in so much pain... If he had gone out with young Rorschach that night instead of Nite Owl... None of this would have happened.

He finally makes it outside and uses the remote control that Nite Owl had given him to bring the ship down and lower a rope ladder. He climbs up it quickly, his body finally feeling the effects of the last couple of days as he pushes the door open and hauls himself inside.

"Walter?" he croaks, his voice laced with pain and a dreadful mix of emotion like nothing he has ever heard come out of himself before.

Rorschach is just sitting there where Nite Owl had left him, only now his legs were up on the console, one of his bare feet playing with a small plush owl that lives there. He has a few sugar cubes sitting on his chest, wrappers on the floor around him, his mask pulled up to his nose as he chews one.

When he sees Rorschach enter through the door in the floor, he gives him a small smile and hold out a cube for him.

Rorschach pulls the ladder up through the hatch and then closes it, sloppily wrapping the ladder up and stowing it away, just as he does with his emotions.
He hits a control on the remote and then tosses it aside as the airship rises through the air, far above the city once more.

And then he's tearing his mask off of his head, becoming Kovacs, and coming to kneel on the floor in front of his younger self. His face is drawn, pale, pale white save for the bruises on his jaw and the dried blood on the corners of his lips. He looks more frightened than he ever has before, as if he is staring down a ghost.

The younger Rorschach's smile sends chills up his spine and he reaches for the cube, closing both of his gloved hands over the young man's bare hand. "All right?"

"Think... Think am injured... Feel fine...Good." He uses his free hand to pull off his mask also, meeting his double's worried eyes with his glazed gaze.

Kovacs' face crumples as Walter removes his mask. He removes his gloves and lifts his hands to Walter's face. There are a few large red welts there where the lady had struck him across the cheek, also bruises and scrapes from the patrol when all this began. He runs his coarse fingers along one welt, presses to a bruise to check for a break.

Then cups Walter's cheeks as his eyes well up. "Thought I'd lost you," he whispers, the anger he had felt at Walter before and since all washed out of him only to be replaced with sorrow. "Don't ever run away from me again."

Walter blinks at him slowly, the little smile still on his lips. He leans forward, nuzzling his cheek against Kovacs'. His hand strokes through his doppelganger's fiery hair and without thinking he places soft little kisses along Kovacs' cheekbone.

Kovacs pulls Walter from his seat and into his arms, holding him where he sits on the floor. "Walter, promise me. Can't--"

He pauses when he feels Walter's lips to his cheek, the hands in his hair sending a shiver down his spine. He pulls away. "What--" he gazes at the boys glazed eyes. His sense of worry jumps to shock and back to worry of a different sort all in a matter of seconds. "Are you... Are you all right?"

It takes Walter a second to register that Kovacs has pulled away. He tilts his head to the side a little, "Whore got me with something." He nuzzles into his older self's neck again, writhing a little in his lap, his jeans tented from the effects of the drug.

"S-something?" Kovacs stammers, shocked once more as Walter practically throws himself at him, squirming a bit when Walter nuzzles into his neck, fighting the urge to shove him away, not wanting to hurt him. "Drugged you?" he asks, biting his tongue and frowning gravely as Walter's arousal is brought to his attention.

He grips the boys shoulders and pushes him away, holding him at arms length. "Stop this, Walter. This isn't what you want."

The little smile finally falls from his face, a confused frown replacing it. "I don't?" his asks, his glazed eyes saying, 'I do.'

Kovacs shakes his head, pushing Walter off of his lap and slowly rising to his feet. "No, you don't."

He unties his trench coat and takes it off, putting it around the boy's naked shoulders. "Come on. Get back in chair. I'm going to fly us to Owl's Nest."

Walter sits there on the ground for a few moments snuggling into Rorschach's coat. He looks up at Kovacs' words, "Shouldn't we wait for Daniel?" He holds out his hand for his double to help him to his feet.

Kovacs takes pause for a moment at the mention of Daniel, wondering if Walter had done the same to Dan when he had brought him here, come onto him so freely. That would explain why Dan had come after him when they had agreed to simply get the younger Rorschach and leave... Not the elder Rorschach had listened.
"No," he gives an exhausted sigh as he reaches to help the boy stand, wary of his injuries. "We'll meet him at the Nest. He's arresting her," he explains quietly, distractedly, struggling to keep his warring thoughts and emotions at bay. "Going to hand her over to police."

He frowns at this. "Nite Owl'll go to easy on her." He moves over to look out Archie's large windows. "Should go back and help." His voice has lost the warmth it had held when he had been nuzzling into the other, a sharp edge cutting through his drugged haze.

"Nearly killed her," Kovacs tells him. "Had nearly strangled her to death by the time Nite Owl stopped me. Wanted to murder her."

Walter isn't facing Kovacs' but he can see his profile, see his eyes narrow and hear the whispered, "Good," that passes his lips.

"What did she do to you?" he asks sitting Walter down and pushing the coat away a bit, wanting to look over some of the wounds on his young doppelganger.

"Should probably wait to take these off take these off," he says, motioning to the bandages on his chest.

Walter turns his gaze back to Kovacs' as he watches him undress him, the glassy look returning to his eyes. "Huuurm..."

Kovacs wont meet Walter's gaze as he unwraps the bandages on his chest, too unnerved by the way that Walter looks at him. "What did she do to you?" he asks again.

"Hurrrr... Too much." He growls, then his voice softens again as he looks Kovacs' lean body up and down, "...Not enough..."

Kovacs eyes lift to Walter's. "Tell me."

He looks away from his double again, back out the window. "Don't want to..." he whispers.

"Hrrmm, can see Dan's house... Room light is on..."

Kovacs looks out the window, following Walter's gaze. He turns around and punches a button on the console. The ship turns and they are lead back towards the Owl's Nest on autopilot.

Kovacs sighs and kneels beside Walter's chair again, looking up at him. "Need you to tell me, Walter. Need to know what... What has been done to you. Need to make sure you aren't injured and help you if you are."

Walter sighs as Dan's window moves out of view.

He turns bodily back to Kovacs', opening Rorschach's coat to show him his bandages and welts. "Tazer-crop," he states in way of explanation. He runs his fingers roughly over the raised red flesh, "...Can't feel them..."

"Hit me with it too. Can still feel it. In fingertips."

He frowns, knowing that this can't be the truly extent to which the Twilight Lady had tortured his younger self; after all, why is he drugged? "All she did? Drugged you and smacked you around?"

Walters cheeks colour pink and he turns away again. "Hurm."

Kovacs s
"Know who she is, Walter. Know what she does to people, to children younger than you." Human trafficking is only part of it. This drug is new, something Kovacs hasn't seen yet. It's terrifying in the light of his younger self's light blue eyes. "Please. If she lives through this, want to put her away for good. Let justice be truly served if can't bring it with my own hands."

He desperately hopes that Walter has been spared the villainy of that putrid whore, that he escaped unscathed save a few welts and bruises. But a look in the boys eyes, eyes so familiar that it's like looking in a mirror twenty years back... Kovacs knows.

"Can tell me, Walter." He reaches out to put a hand on his younger self's shoulder, his expression growing dark. "Mother... She sold me when I was nine. Sold my... Innocence to handful of fat, sweaty johns for few bucks more than she was already making. Never forgot them. And when I became Rorschach, they were some of first criminals I sought out.

"You can tell me. Not a psychologist trying to stick you in a home. Not a copper who wont believe you. Just me. And Rorschach. Know I can't make this right, but will fight for you any way I can."

Walter curls up in on himself, sliding down against the edge of Archie's window, clenching his eyes tight and hugging his own knees. "Hur hur hur hur..." He rocks gently.

Kovacs puts his arms around the boy's shoulders, no longer caring that Walter is drugged or what he might do, as his silence bears confirmation of Kovacs' fears. He needs to feel somebody close, now more than ever.

Kovacs knows, because he had no one.

"So sorry," he whispers into the boy's hair. "So sorry I couldn't stop it."

Walter curls into the warmth of his older self's body, burying his face into his neck. Eyes clenched tight, he presses himself against to the other, trying to be as wrapped in him as he can, hiding from everything else.

Kovacs rubs the boy's back through the trench coat. He turns his head and sets his chin against Walter's temple, squeezing him as he holds him close. "Don't run away again," he murmurs, the words more a plea than a demand.

Walter breathes heavily, trying to take back control of his body and feelings. "Huurrrr..." He finds it hard to form words.

He presses his lips to Kovacs' ear, "Think-- Think I'm weak?" his words are stained with despair.

Kovacs swallows, a jolt shooting down his spine at the feel Walter's lips on him again, feeling uneasy once more, especially with his younger self's lithe body pressed so close against his, with how it makes him feel.

But he wouldn't dare push the other away now, not when so much depends on this closeness and what has to be-- what needs to be said.

"Think you're just a boy... Soon to be a man. Not weak. Not invincible either. Not infallible. Know you're strong. But sometimes even strongest aren't strong enough."

Walter lets out a deep breath at Kovacs' words. He relaxes his strained muscles, settling in more comfortably against his older self's shoulder, his lips pressed to his bare neck as he just breathes.

Kovacs' flesh tingles in a way that it shouldn't, in a way that being touched and held close by Daniel often does. He shouldn't feel like this in relation to his younger self. Even as Walter relaxes in his arms, settles more easily against him, more chastely even, he feels his body reacting in ways it shouldn't and he wants to push him away.

And yet he doesn't. Whatever the Lady had drugged Walter with, some sort of aphrodisiac, it's making Walter listen to him. Walter may be taking advantage of Kovacs' closeness, but Kovacs is enduring it in order to get the boy to really listen to him.

"We work better as a team. You and I. And, perhaps even Nite Owl." He smirks and gives a small snort. "Know how hard it can be to work with others. Not fond of it myself, but is strength in numbers. Strength in having a plan and someone else to fall on when it becomes too much." Their rescue tonight is proof enough of that.

Walter nods into Kovacs' neck. He takes a moment to absently nuzzles against his taller double's shoulder, then pulls back and looks the other in the eyes. "Thank you."

Kovacs tilts his head to the side, eyeing his younger self. "For what?"

He can't keep eye contact as his face flushes pink. "Rescued me," he mumbles.

His frown deepens and he lifts a hand to tilt Walter's chin up so that he'll look at him. "Will never leave you behind."

Twilight's drug is still heavy in his system, coming over Walter in waves. Every time he thinks he's over the worst of it, that he's got his full control over his own actions it hits him again. The rush of blood to his head from his shame and embarrassment causes the drug to flood his mind again.

When he meets Kovacs' eyes again, the glazed stare has returned.

Kovacs sees it, shakes his head, practically glares at the face of the drug in the boys system. "Don't look at me like that. Know it's not what you want.

"Should have killed her for doing this to you. Drug causes sexual arousal? Awakening?"

Walter frowns, forcing his eyes closed at Kovacs' command. He nods in agreement to the ginger man's questions. He's so conflicted, he knows the drug is making him feel this way, but that knowledge isn't making him feel it any less. He wants.

"Also pain free?" he queries, touching one of the welts on Walter's cheek. "Hurn. Saw all the body guards that were already unconscious when we got here." A small sliver of a smile presses to his features. "Was that you?"

He nods more, still not looking at the other. He can feel himself rub uncomfortably against the cloth in this jeans. He can feel where his body hit the pavement. It's uncomfortable, but it doesn't hurt. The welts that pepper his body feel like points of heat on his skin, but no pain.

Kovacs frowns deepens. "Could have some very serious injuries that aren't apparent because you don't feel them. Need to get you to... Ehhn... Don't want take you to doctor, but may need an x-ray." He turns and looks out the windows as Archie flies them along on autopilot.

"Hrn." He musses Walter's hair, squeezing the locks that curl on the back of his head. "We're almost to Owl's Nest. When we're there, I need to look you over. And... I need you to behave. Wont have you acting so flippantly and excuse it just because you are drugged. Understand? Will regret it later."

Walter bit his lip to stop his traitorous tongue from protesting. He nodded again.

Luckily, Archie's autopilot is good enough that he doesn't need much help with flying. Kovacs helps Walter into his seat, buckles into the pilot's chair himself, and takes the controls. They descend into a warehouse and Kovacs helps them navigate down the tunnel with the utmost care-- the last thing they need right now (but also the last thing he cares about right now) is for him to dent up Daniel's pretty flying machine.

The landing doesn't end as smoothly, as they end up hovering for a moment as Kovacs struggles to bring it down gently. They're finally snug in the landing gear and he hits the power, making the ship sag into the gear even more, admittedly not as smoothly as Nite Owl does it. Oh well.

Kovacs gets up and opens up the hatch, turning back to the other. "Been in Daniel's home before?"

Once Kovacs places him in his seat, buckles him in and moves back the pilot's seat (Nite Owl's seat), Walter opens his eyes, fists gripping the armrests. He needs a distraction, he looks out the big owlship windows, watching the city move beneath them.

When they finally reach the Owl's Nest, his attention now fixed on Kovacs', he watches him with some excitement as the other lands Archie. Nite Owl hasn't let him try this yet.

Walter is already following behind Kovacs when he turns back with his query. "Yes. Many times."

"Hurm," he murmurs, having only been inside Dan's home a few times himself. He gathers what things they've left behind inside Archie, his gut flopping a bit when is picks up his discarded mask from the floor. He ushers Walter out, steps out himself, then closes the hatch.

"C'mon." He leads them over to the stairway that goes up to Dreiberg's residence, feeling a bit odd doing so without being welcomed up into it first, but he knows that, given the circumstances, Dan will understand. Even if Walter wasn't hurt and the lot, he probably wouldn't mind. Kovacs reminds himself of that as he stops at the door and enters the passcode that Dan has only recently given him.

Walter keeps close to Kovacs. Following his double into Mr. Daniel's home. He has been invited in many nights after being out patrolling with Nite Owl, he even stayed the night a few times. He likes it here, so much like his Dan's home, sugar cubes and all.

He watches as Kovacs' enters the code, a small smile coming to his lips. He already knows it; he had watched Mr. D put it in one night from under his mask.

"Should probably get you into shower." He peers over at Walter as they enter the dark kitchen and he moves to flip on the light. "If your body can handle it." He fears Walter's injuries may be worse than what he already knows of them, that Nite Owl's initial worry might be true, that the boy may be dying. "Will probably take Daniel a while to come home," he says quietly, practically an afterthought.

He leads them through the house, turning on lights as they go and he re-orients himself. It's strange being in another's home when they aren't there, like he's breaking and entering. It's not as much of a concern when he is on patrol, because that is half the point, but this is the home of a man that he respects and cares for, and it feels wrong.

He chances a glance at Walter as they stop at the bathroom and he switches on the lights. "Go on."

When they pass through the kitchen, Walter takes a moment to get himself some sugar cubes from Mr. D's counter, then follows Kovacs the rest of the way to the bathroom.

He enters a few steps then pulls off Rorschach's coat and holds it out to him. "Here."

Kovacs takes the coat and looks Walter over. He reaches out to the boy before he can shut the door, reaches to undo the bandages on his chest. "Did you have these before the night you were taken?" he asks, crouching down to kneel in front of Walter as he continues to unwrap them until all is left are scraps and bruises.

He winces and ghosts his fingers across the wounds. "Don't hurt?"

Walter watches Kovacs' hands on him, "No. Woke up bandaged."

He takes a breath as his fingers brush over his wounds and injuries; it tickles. "Fine," he breathed the word.

Kovacs lets out a sigh of dismay, his face falling in increments, worry weeding it's way through his numbed emotions. With one hand on the boy's hip, he turns him so that he can look at his back. There are lashes there, burning bright red. Sense memory makes his own body tingle and burn from where the Twilight Lady had struck him. "You're going to be in a lot of pain when that drug wears off," he whispers somberly.

He lifts Walter's arm and presses his fingers along each of his ribs to see if they're broken (and a few of them are, to his chagrin), then goes to the other side to do the same, reminded of his own injury and lack of well-being himself. He feels overwhelming exhaustion suddenly, but he tells himself to snap out of it. There is still work to be done.

"Do you know of anywhere else that you should hurt that I ought to check?"

Walter's gaze shifted from Kovacs' hands to his face, he bites his lip, and shakes his head. "Fine," he repeats, leaning into his touches.

Kovacs stands with a small groan. He puts his hands on Walter's bare shoulders, peering down at him to inspect his drug hazy eyes. "You sure?"

He shrugs. "No," he answers honestly. He moves in a little closer to Kovacs.

Kovacs squeezes his shoulders as the boy tries to sink into him once more, still holding again at arms length. "Don't," he instructs. "Don't touch me. Not going to give in, so stop this." He reaches up and cups Walter's jaw to make him look at him. "Know this is a powerful drug but if you're injured and you make it difficult for me or... Or Daniel to take care of you, you could die. Stop this before I make you stop."

Walter clenches his eyes tight, his brows drawn close together. He takes a long slow breath, trying to take back control like his double said. He has to fight the urge to reach out and touch is older-self, feel warm skin under his fingertips. The injured teen bites down hard on his already split lip, using the sharp pang of pain at the back of his mind to help clear his head. "Huuurrrnnn..."

Kovacs watches the boy closely, waiting for him to respond. But no response comes and the boy only seems to draw in on himself, seeking self control. He sees him draw his lip between his teeth. He knows what he's doing and nearly argues, nearly tells him to stop, not to cause himself harm simply to release himself from this spell he's under. But it's not so different from how Kovacs has treated himself in the past and he knows that sometimes it's just this sort sort of harsh, ascetic concentration that works and helps overcome such trials. So he simply waits, squeezes Walter's shoulders so that he knows he's there, there to help him if he needs him.

"Ehhn. Walter? Look at me. Are you all right?"

The ginger teen slowly opens his eyes, looking up at Kovacs with pained eyes. "Am sorry," he chokes out, then pulls his arms around himself.

Kovacs feels his heart fall a little bit and he can't help but pull Walter-- half-undressed, starved for touch and all-- against him. He hugs him tight and shakes his head against Walter's temple so he can feel it. "Don't you dare. Don't you dare be sorry." He sighs and lowers his head to whisper in Walter's ear, "All my fault. I'm so sorry."

Walter shakes his head furiously. "No, no, no, no," like a mantra over Kovacs attempted apologies, "...No. Wasn't good enough. My own fault." His eye lock to Kovacs' as long as he can take without the protection of his other face. "Should have listened." He bows his head with shame.

Kovacs frowns, staring down at his younger self. He sighs softly and runs a hand through Walter's ginger hair as he lowers his head. He doesn't speak for a very long moment, trying but failing to muster up the courage to be strong for them both.

"Regardless. Perhaps we're both at fault. Swore to protect you. Told you I'd never hurt you again," he thinks back to the day when Kovacs had almost died, had struck Walter in anger when he woke in the hospital. "Promised never to let anyone hurt you. Didn't deserve this. Never would have chosen this as punishment. Might have... Taken your mask for a week." He gives a weak smile-- more like a grimace-- which quickly falls way.

"Said I would take care of you. Done a poor job of it. Never should have happened. Could have lost you forever. So sorry." He rambles on and on, growing weaker and less certain of himself with every word. He squeezes Walter tightly in his arms, his body shaking once, then twice with a silent sob.

Walter gasps in surprise as he realizes Mr. K is crying. He takes a steadying breath and does what has always worked to help him feel better the few times Dan had managed to catch him crying throughout their friendship: he cards one hand through his older self's hair and rubs his back with the other.

"Ehhhn," he whines, hiccuping a quiet sob as he feels Walter's hands on him, not with lewd intent, but to comfort. He buries his face into Walter's neck and sniffs softly, not bothering to hide himself away now as he fails to pull himself together. "Most important thing to me. I would die for you. Nearly killed for what was done to you." He pulls away a bit to look at Walter and reaches up to wipe tears away from his own cheeks. "Forgive me."

mini!kovacs, dan's brownstone, big!kovacs, owl's nest, mini!schach, inside archie, big!schach

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