LOG: Tango Part 2

Apr 07, 2010 21:34

The living room light is on inside the apartment, as is the bathroom light and the light to Kovacs' bedroom. The elder man himself pokes his head out the door of the bathroom, shaving cream smeared on his chin. He gives a nod of hello and ducks back in.

"Daniel convinced me to work the later shift with him at the prom," he says, his growls echoing in the bathroom. "Will only be here for another twenty minutes."

Dan looks at Walter, actually feeling a little more relieved, 'cause like hell does he know how to fix broken ribs.

Walter heads towards the bathroom, pointing Dan to his bedroom door, "Go in my room."

Walter pokes his head around the bathroom wall, peeking through the open door. "Hurm."

"Uhm, Actually, would it be okay if I got a drink of water? I can still taste that puke that I, y'know, puked." Dan heads for the kitchen, knowing where the glasses are in the cupboard.

Kovacs looks at his young doppelganger as he appears in the door. He's standing in an unbuttoned dress shirt and the pants that belong to his tuxedo suit.

"Nng," he growls as he continues to shave his chin. "Stupid dance. Worked hard all year to avoid having to work for it, but no. Daniel wants me to go." He makes a face that is the equivalent of rolling his eyes.

"Hmm." Walter nods in agreement, "Are going for Mr. Daniel?" He swallows hard, looking back down the hall to be sure Dan's not in earshot. "...Is that important to you, would put yourself through Prom?" he shudders on the last word.

Kovacs looks to Walter for a moment, his blue eyes fixed on him for several long seconds before he looks back to the mirror and answers. "Yes."

Walter's face flushes and he slumps against the door frame. He winces, clutching at his rib reflexively.

Kovacs peers over at him again, looking him over. "What's wrong?" He puts down his razor and wipes the rest of the foam from his chin before reaching to where Walter clutches his side.

"Hurt?" he asks, his voice laced with worry. Ever since the last time Walter got hurt, the sheer protectiveness that Kovacs feels for him has tripled at least.

"Hurr, Fine," he grunts, "just need first aid kit." He glances over to the bathroom cabinet.

Kovacs clenches his jaw, knowing precisely what 'fine' means. "Will stay home if you need me too." He then opens the cabinet, takes out the first aid kid, and hands it over.

"He's okay," Dan says from behind Walter, his skin crawling at the sight of the look that they two young men receive from their elder.

"Lip is split, Dan," Kovacs tells him, smirking when Dan draws his lip into his mouth to hide it, "And jaw is swelling." He looks to Walter, expecting an explanation.

Walter is not looking at Mr. Kovacs, he is decidedly looking at the contents of the first aid kit, pulling out the tape to bind his ribs with.

When Walter doesn't answer and Kovacs turns those eyes of his on Dan, he whithers. "We were just sparring and it got a little out of hand, that's all."

"Hrrn," Kovacs murmurs, eyeing Walter for a long moment. "If I come home in the morning and find blood on carpet," he warns, letting his voice carry off... He obviously doesn't care about carpet stains, just the mode in which the stains were put there.

He goes back to getting dressed, buttoning up his shirt and putting on a tie.

"Hurm." Walter nods and glances up at Kovacs, thanking him silently for dropping the line of questioning with a small smile, then turns and ushers Dan back to his room.

Dan sits down on Walter's bed, watching him attentively. "Jeez and I was beginning to think that Kovacs liked me," Dan mutters miserably.

And like that, there's a knock at the door and a voice carrying through it. "Should put some ice on your jaw so wont swell up too much Dan. Look bad for your prom pictures," Kovacs teases from the other side of the door, not hearing the previous remark.

Dan shudders and laughs nervously, then turns to his friend. "Are you okay? Can I, uhh, help?"

Walter has unzipped and pealed off a few layers of his suit, he's gotten down to his singlet and is having trouble pulling it off without dislodging his broken rib. "Hurrr." He growls at the pain from his attempts.

Dan tries not to watch as his friend undresses. It's not like he hasn't seen Walter completely nude before, but now it's completely different. Now he wants to look and Walter knows it.

When the ginger boy struggles, Dan stands and steps over to him, reaching out to him. "Let me help you," he whispers.

"Urnnk!" He lets Dan help his out of his white singlet. He picks up the tape from his desk, after a quick inspection of the damage, and a bit of a poke to make sure his bruising isn't too serious, he begins to bind his chest tightly with the tape.

Dan stands in front of him, wringing the singlet in his hands. He frowns as Walter winces, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry man. You can hit me again if you want," he says with a weak smile, not really looking forward to the fulfillment of that proposition.

Walter tears off the excess tape and puts the roll down on the desk again.

He turns back to Dan, reaching out to pull away the layers of Dan's tux to see how badly he had hurt his friend.

"Uh, uhm," Dan stammers as Walter starts undressing him. "I'm-I'm fine. Just a few bruises." His hands close over Walter's arms, but still, he makes no attempt to stop him.

The small, half-dressed ginger pulls away layer after layer of Dan's tux, laying it down neatly on his desk, until he has Dan in a similar state of undress. His hands start to seek out all the places he struck.

Dan grows still as Walter removes each layer, breathing heavily as his hands move over him. "You mostly just got me in the face, and stomach. And the head, remember," he says quietly, his nervous excitement having the opposite effect that it usually does: it makes him calm. It feels great to have Walter touch him after so much time of wanting him.

Walter runs his hands up Dan's skin, his fingers searching out all the injuries he's inflicted, his thumb pad ghosting over his lip, his other hand threading though his hair checking where he hit him with his boot.

Dan sinks towards him, his arms going around Walter in turn. He sets his forehead to Walter's and closes his eyes. "I'm okay," he says though he hisses quietly as each injury is rediscovered.

The smaller teen leans forward, placing light kisses on any mark he made on his Dan's body that he can reach with his lips. "Hurr, Dan," he whispers against his skin.

Dan swallows thickly and carefully pulls him close til they're chest to chest. He kisses Walter's forehead and rubs his hands over his back. "Kay, maybe I can stay for a while," Dan says with a small smile.

Walter presses his cheek to Dan's shoulder, the warmth from the other teen making his chest feel better. "Sounds good." he murmurs.

Dan lowers his head, gifting Walter's shoulder with a gentle kiss. "Are you okay?" he whispers as his hand brushes Walter's side. "Do you need anything?"

The ginger teens shivers at Dan's actions, "Hmmm, fine Daniel." He hums, gently tugging Dan over to sit by him on his bed.

Dan follows to sit beside him. "You know I don't believe that for a moment," Dan tells him, leaning over against him to kiss his neck, turning his face under his jaw.

"God, tonight's just been surreal, y'know?"

"Hurm." Walter can't help but want to feel his skin on Dan's. He shuffles closer, resting his arms around his partner.

Kovacs knocks on the door. "I'm leaving, Walter. Be back in the morning."

Dan freezes, just as he had earlier, afraid of being caught. He stares at the door wondering if Kovacs is going to come in, then peers over at Walter in question.

"Uh--" Walter jumps up, grabbing a t-shirt and throwing it on, probably a little too fast for his ribs' liking. He slips through the door, obscuring Dan from Kovacs, and closing it behind him.

"Hurm." He looks his older double in the eye. "Said that... Would be okay for Dan to stay here sometimes?"

Kovacs is standing outside the door waiting, all finely primed and polished in his tux, looking like James Bond... Only ginger.

"Of course he can. Fine with me."

He looks the boy over, notes his change in attire, but doesn't say anything. "Feeling okay?" he asks, indicating where Walter had been holding himself earlier. "Will stop asking if you tell me the truth."

"Was... Hurr," he sighs, "testing to see if Daniel is ready to patrol with me." He swallows, his cheeks flushing pink under Kovacs' gaze. "He got in a good hit. Already set it. Is fine."

Kovacs smiles softly at this, nods in approval as Walter tells him. "He's getting better. Not ready yet though. Soon maybe. You bust his lip?" he asks with a slight grin.

He nods, biting his own lip, now red.

"Good," he tells him. "Hope you didn't go easy on him. I can't go as hard on him as I'd like. He needs to see what it's really like. Only way to really prepare him."

He reaches up to ruffle Walter's hair. "Please do not go back out tonight. I'll be staying at... At Mr. Daniel's house tonight if you need me."

Walter can't quite hide his smirk at Kovacs staying at Mr. Dan's place, "Again? Patrol after Prom?" he innocently inquires.

Kovacs frowns a bit, blushing a bright, bright red. "No. Just staying with him," he says, giving him a meaningful look.

"You boys have fun tonight." He gives a tight lipped smile and then turns to leave.

Walter raises a brow at the word fun, his smirk still on his lips, "Fun? Said not to go back out."

The elder ginger snorts and turns back around. "Try enjoying friend's company. Just for sake of doing so. It's Daniel." He shrugs. "Best friend. Enjoy it. And be safe. No more Rorschach tonight."

Walter nods. "Hurm, 'night." He bids him fairwell and heads back to his room, to Dan, his best friend.

When Dan hears the front door close, he pokes his head out of Walter's bedroom. Mr. K is gone, so he opens the door and steps out.

In the light of the living room, his chest and jaw are bruised, but he smiles widely anyway and slips into the bathroom. "Hey, man, I'm gonna use your toothbrush, okay?" Bleh. Barf breath.

Walter just blinks for a moment. His toothbrush? "Uh... Sure." He knows there is a toothbrush in the bathroom; he's not sure if it's his or Mr. K's, but he uses it sometimes.

Dan assumes the purple one is Walter and he uses it quickly, making sure to brush his tongue to get rid of that horrid taste of acid and bile.

When he's finished, he rinses it out well and puts it back where he found it, then steps out and goes back into Walter's room.

When Dan opens the door to his ginger friend's room, Walter is sitting on his desk, cutting plasters to the right size for all the nics and scratches he's left all over his owlish partner.

"Come here." He reaches out for Dan, pulling him over to clean and dress his injuries.

Dan allows himself to be pulled over. He leans against the desk and let's Walter work on him. "I'm gonna looking Frankenstein or-- or a mummy or something," Dan comments. Most of the wounds are on his knuckles from punching and punching and punching.

"Hurm." Walter hands Dan a bag a frozen peas wrapped in a kitchen towel, apology in his eyes, "You're jaw."

Dan takes the bag and puts it to his jaw. He kneels down to the floor in front of Walter and walks on his knees to stand in front of his chair. He shyly parts his friend's legs and shuffles between them, puts his free arm around Walter's waist and pulls him close.

"It's okay. I'm not mad at you anymore, buddy. Turnabout is fairplay right?" He brushes his hand over Walter's bandaged side again and gives him a shy kiss on the lips, his breath now minty fresh.

Walter's body relaxes a little more in responce to the soft kiss. He sighs, "Hurrr..." nuzzling into Dan's warmth. He starts to lay light kisses to all the plasters he's just put on the taller teen's skin.

Dan sighs, rubbing his free hand over Walter's lower back, particularly the skin that isn't covered by the wrap or his t-shirt. "When is Mr. K gonna be back?" he asks nervously.

"Hurm." He nuzzles his cheek to Dan's skin, "Staying with Mr. Dreiberg tonight." His skin is flushed and warm.

Dan laughs softly. "Really? Huh, that's ironic," he murmurs as he carefully pulls Walter out of the seat and onto his lap, searching out his lips. "I wonder if..." He blinks and then pulls away. "Oh wow, do you think they're... Uh. Like... This?"

Walter frowns at Dan from his position, sitting in his lap, legs wrapped to the taller teen's waist, his face red.

He stares at him, "Not our business."

"Well... Yeah I know," Dan says, blushing himself, "but think about it. What if they've been together for a while and we just figured it out? Y'know, both for them and for us?

"It's just... crazy," he laughs, nudging his nose against Walter's cheek bone, kissing the corner of his mouth. "We've been friends for ages and," he pauses, kissing Walter on the mouth again.

He pulls away to speak once more, but lets the words die away as he sinks into him to kiss him more deeply. It doesn't matter.

Walter doesn't want to tell Dan that he's known about it for a couple months, that it is, in fact, one of the reasons that gave him courage enough to admit to him--

"Mmmnnngh..." Walter melts into Dan's kiss, his train of thought cut off by the feel of his best friend's warm lips moving over his own.

The bag of peas is dropped to the floor and quickly forgotten. Dan puts his cold hand on Walter's lower back, slipping beneath his t-shirt. He's simply so enticed by the warm, smooth expanse of Walter's freckled skin that he doesn't even think about it before stroking his fingers over it, his hands working smooth circles over the exposed skin of Walter's back.

He shivers under Dan's cool hand but makes no attempt to escape it, deepening their kiss as his mouth opens more and he gently licks at Dan's swollen lip, tasting the faint coppery tang of blood.

Dan whines a soft moan at the feel of his partner's tongue, his hands suddenly clutching Walter's shoulders as he dips his own tongue to meet Walter's.

Walter groans into the kiss as his tongue and Dan's meet. Warm and soft and wet and good... He tightens his hold on the boy he's stradling, his legs wrapping more tightly around his waist, their bodies grinding togeather. "Eennk!"

Dan shudders as Walter comes closer, grinding against him. He hasn't realized how hard he is until now, his already tight trousers made even tighter with the heat of another pressed against and on top of him. "W-Walter?" he groans in question as he shyly rolls his hips up against the other.

"Hurrrrr." Walter holds Dan close with his arms around his neck, his plams to the skin of his back, his mouth to his ear. "Daniel," he groans, bucking with him.

His head feels light, his skin feels hot, he feels like he's been druged. walter stills suddenly, taking a deep breath and pulling back from Dan, his eyes clenched tight.

Dan presses wet kisses over Walter's shoulder and neck, wherever he can reach as they move together and he sighs, small gasps and groans accompanying each breath.

But then Walter is pulling away from him and Dan looks at him, reaching to pull him back automatically, his eyes half-lidded and glazed over with lust. "What? C'mere."

Walter's whole body has gone rigid, immovable as stone. His hands are on Dan's arms tight and keeping him at bay.

Dan freezes, knows what this is. He recognizes it as Walter's usual reaction when he completely shuts down, usually in shock or fright.

Dan lets his arms fall away from Walter's body, then slowly lifts them to take Walter's hands where they grip his arms. "Walter? Hey, c'mon, buddy. We... We can stop. We don't, y'know, have to do anything."

"Hurrr hurr hur hurrr..." He's breathing hard now, a frown set deep on his features. His grip on Dan lessens, allowing the other's arms to move again. He pulls his arms about himself and attempts to open his eyes and look at Dan, to ground himself back in the now.

"What is it? What's wrong?" he asks, his voice laced with worry. "I didn't hurt you again, did I? God, I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean to," he blurts, letting that assumption take the blame as he reaches out to rub Walter's arms.

He lowers his head to look into Walter's eyes, putting his own painful arousal on the backburner for his friend. "Are you okay?"

Walter starts a little at Dan's hand on his arm, but puts it aside when he sees the worry in his friend's eyes. He wants to tell him he's 'fine' and for Dan to believe him so they can just forget about this and move on, but he knows his owlish friend won't.

"Hurr, Daniel..." he's not fine, but he wishes he could be for Dan.

Dan swallows. No. Walter isn't hurt. He isn't pushing Dan away because he is in pain. At least not physical pain.

Dan should have know better. He assumes (and then assumes again that this is the correct assumption) that it must have something to do with Walter's mother. He only knows bits and pieces of the story, but it's enough for him to understand why Walter would pull away from him, enough for him to hate Sylvia Kovacs' very existance.

He brings his hands down Walter's arms, carefully laces his long, thick fingers between Walter's thin, lithe ones. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

"Let's... Do you wanna just go to sleep?"

Walter looks up at Dan like a small lost animal, then nods, "Hurm." He starts to disentangle himself from Daniel.

Dan raises to his feet and helps his friend up, turning to the bed. He takes his undershirt where it's been discarded and pulls it back on, a small concession out of respect for his friend's limitations.

"Uhm," he starts, blushing bright red. "I, uh, don't really wanna wear these pants to sleep. Is it okay if I sleep in my boxers?" he asks bashfully, not looking at Walter.

Walter nods. "Fine," he says as he slips between the sheet and covers of his bed, with his back against the wall, leaving as much room for Dan as he can manage.

Dan nods and turns his back to Walter as he shyly strips away his pants. He's glad the lights are already off as he begs for his body to behave and slips beneath the sheets and lays beside Walter, trying to hide his excitement.

He peers at his friend in the dark, wanting to touch him but afraid of scaring him off. "I'm sorry," he says, though what he means to say instead is something like, 'We don't have to do anything' or 'We'll just take things slow'.

But it's all too presumptuous because he doesn't even know what they're doing, just that he wants whatever it is. So he closes his eyes and sighs softly. "Sorry."

"Hurm." Walter's breath is warm againat Dan's shoulder. He shuffles himself a little closer to his friend. Lifting the taller teen's arm, he slips in closer still, his chest pressed against the other's side, his head resting on his shoulder.

Dan figures this is the closest thing to an 'I forgive you, as he's ever going to get, so he pulls him close and turns to bury his nose into Walter mop of red hair. "G'night, buddy."

"Mhurm." his face is muffled by Dan, he breathes in against him. His skin isn't so clean now, after the evening's activities. He smells more like Dan now, like Dan's room, his pillow, his blankets.

Walter relaxes against him, heaving a sigh. "Hmm, thanks, Daniel."

Dan tentatively wraps his arm around Walter's shoulder and waist, his fingers grazing the soft skin over his hipbone. "For what?" he asks shyly.

"For..." 'Everything.' He doesn't want to say that, "Hurr..." But he does mean everything: being his friend, understanding him, doing the right thing for Walter and giving up what he wanted, for caring for him so much. "You're a good friend." He plants a soft kiss to Daniel's throat.

Dan smiles and nuzzles his cheek against Walter's. "You're welcome, man. Thank you too. You're my best friend in the whole world." He carefully squeezes Walter against his side for a moment in an intimate hug and then releases him. "We're kinda lucky like that, I think. To have each other."

"Huhm." Walter snorts, "Lucky to have you. Not so luck to have me." The smaller teens hand rests on Dan's chest, pressing a little to his heart.

Dan holds Walter's hand to his heart as he slinks down in the bed and rolls over onto his side to face him and meet him eye to eye. "I don't feel like that," Dan tells him. "God, man, do you have any idea? Do you know how much you've done for me?

"You've always stuck up for me at school and had my back when nobody else did. And you've always been there for me even when things weren't so great for you when you were living with your mom.

"And," Dan looks down, shrugs his shoulder nonchalantly, "when you started living here, I was really happy for you because I know Mr. K's a good guy. Because he's you. I knew he'd be there for you like how you always there for me, y'know?

"But..." his hand presses harder over the hand that's on his heart, and he closes his eyes, "but I really missed you. I thought maybe you didn't want me around anymore because I've never really done anything for you like you have for me. And I-I kept training with Mr. K because it was like hanging out with you sometimes except not really," he smiles and snorts a small laugh. "And I thought... Maybe if I got good enough, I could come out with you on the streets and have you back again.

"So..." he takes a deep breath and sighs, looking at him, his eyes a little watery. "Thanks for that too. I've gotten stronger and more confident because of you. And I really do feel lucky. I-I love you, man. You're my best. Friend."

Walter blinks at Dan in the dark, the two of them lit only by the street lights outside that seep through his curtains, "Hurm. Daniel." He pushes forward and kisses him, their lips locking together, Walter's hand slipping up from Dan's heart into his hair.

Dan melts under the kiss, his heart pounding as he wraps his arms around Walter and pulls him closer.

He pulls away from his lips and just hugs him, burying his face in his neck and sniffling softly. "I know I'm probably not good enough yet and I know you don't need to stay with me anymore but... Could you? Please?

"I--" he pulls away and wipes his nose on his wrist, laughing softly, "I honestly thought about asking you if you wanted to go to prom with me. Not-not as my date or anything but... Just so we could be there together. It's senior year and... I don't want us to never see each other again once school is over, y'know?"

He enjoys the feeling of being so wrapped up in Daniel; his warmth is delicious, he snuggles in closer. "Not going anywhere. Will always be here for you, Dan." He nibbles gently on his ear.

Dan smiles and gives a contented sigh. He squirms as he feels Walter's teeth on his ear lobe, the sensation sending a shiver down his spine. He turns his head in an attempt to catch Walter's lip again. "Promise?"

"MMmmnnnn..." Their lips meet before he gets out his reply, he doesn't mind, melting into the kiss.

A kiss is good enough for Dan and he sinks into it, wasting no time before deepening it and pulling Walter tight against him.

He's still pretty aroused (it's never taken much to get him going) but he tries to keep it at bay as he nibbles against Walter's lower lip, passing his tongue over it when he nips a little too hard.

Walter is starting to feel like he did before, like he's in a dream, a haze over reality, but he knows now he can stop, he's not drugged, this is just the way Dan makes him feel and it feels good.

"Nnnk..." his grinds his hip into his best friend.

Dan groans, a deep shudder riding over him, and even as he carefully ruts against Walter, he swallows hard and breaks the kiss. "Are-are you sure? This is okay?"

The smaller teen keeps grinding into his taller companion, having to slide down lower to put their hips in line. Walter buries his face in Dan's neck, sucking and kissing his throat.

Dan tilts his head up, the feeling of Walter suckling his neck absolutely exquisite. He can't help the little needy noises that he makes as they press together over and over.

He's never been like this with anyone in his life and he can feel Walter pressed against him, wanting more as he grips Walter's hip and pulls him harder against him.

"Huuurrr..." He groans into Dan's neck, he can feel him through their pants. He ruts a little harder, trying to find what Dan likes best.

Of course, Dan is still laying in his boxers and he can feel everything, especially how covered up Walter still is.

He stills Walter's hips and reaches between them, panting as he looks at Walter. "Is this okay?" he asks as he reaches for the button of Walter's pants, not wanting to overstep any boundaries. "Can I take these off?"

Walter puts a little bit on room beween them, so Dan can at lest reach the front of his trousers. He should have taken his whole costume off and put it away when he had got home, he'd just been so caught up in Daniel.

He takes a few deep breaths then nods. Lifting his hip off the bed to help Dan un-pants him.

Dan smiles softly, in shock or amazement or pleasure that Walter trusts him to let him do even this. He undoes the button and carefully lowers Walter's fly. He moves to sit up in the bed and grips the waist of his suit pants, pulling them down his hips and thighs and finally off of his legs. He folds the pants up and tosses them over to the chair that belongs to Walter's desk and then comes back down over him.

At this point, he figures Walter is okay enough for this, and he reaches up to pull up the t-shirt that Walter is still wearing and removes it, then yanks his own over his head.

He hopes it's okay, hopes it's not too much. He just wants to feel him. "Tell me if I... Push too much or anything, okay?" he asks as he leans down over Walter, now above him and gently laying over him, careful of his ribs.

He shivers a little with the loss of his clothes. When Dan lowers himself back down to him, he meets him half way, wrapping his arms and a leg around him before he's even back on the matress, wanting to feel the warmth of his skin again.

Dan thoughtfully draws the blankets around them, encasing their combined heat within the sheets.

He has often thought of this, of having Walter as his own, how it would be, how they would be together. He never thought Walter would be so eager, always thought he would fight him through it and leave him with a broken nose or something similar. But instead he's being pulled in and wrapped up and it's so much better.

He presses a leg between Walter's, brings his warmth and weight over him, feeling and pressing his need firmly against his partner's as Dan kisses his mouth.

Walter groans into Dan, with now only two bits of cotton seperating them, he can't help the way his body pushes into him, how much he wants this, like he never has before. "Dan..." He nips and licks at his neck.

The leg that Walter has wrapped around him, Dan grips it like a lifeline, pull Walter closer as he thrusts hard against him.

Dan pants against Walter's shoulder, emitting a small, nervous laugh as the movement of their bodies makes Walter's bed slap against the wall.

"Yeah?" he says, trying to reply. "Ahh. Feels so good."

"Urrr!" Walter growls with pleasure, nodding into Dan's skin. "Gooood..." he whines in agreement, "Dan." He's breathing hard.

Dan's body shakes with fatigue and adrenalin, practically hums with excitement. He thrusts steadily against the smaller teen, his mind almost completely gone except to chant inside of him, 'More, more, more,' setting a rhythm and drive with which he moves against his friend.

He's practically rocked himself out of his boxers, can feel the smooth skin of Walter's lower abdomen brush against the head of his member, and he reaches to grip Walter's hips, his thumbs dipping below the hem of his briefs. "These too?" he pants between ruts, 'More, more, more,' "Can I? Take? Them off?"

mini!kovacs, big!kovacs, wee!dan, walter's apartment

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