Dec 01, 2005 21:24
Well, thanks to the great input from my friends, and, I have finally come to a conclusion about what to do about Joanne. I am going to hunt her down, just to say goodbye, and also to let her know I love her. I've got my plate kind of full this weekend, but I'm thinking it might be something for me to do on Monday night. I found her mother's address, so I think I'm going to try there first. Or maybe I should go to her sister Angele's house, to say goodbye there, and to see if I can find out where Joanne is. I just don't want her to give Joanne the heads-up though. But I still want to say good-bye to her too. And Chris and Alex, who have been like awesome younger cousins. The can be bad, and rude, and even obnoxious at times, but when it boils down to it, I love them like I've known them since birth. One week ago today, we were all sitting at the table having Thanksgiving, and I we were planning on hanging out in a few weeks, once Christmas break started. So much for that.
And what if Angele comes online? Do I talk to her like nothing happened? Am I going to break down again? Before high school, when "normal kids" still had curfews, she'd be the only person online for me to talk to at 1 or 2 AM. When we would talk about all kinda of crazy things. From how we wished there were a warm form of snow that lingered about in the summer, to how we were going to force feed massive amounts of food down all the skinny people's throats, until they were all fat. But what now? I'm having enough trouble losing Joanne, I don't know if I can deal with losing a whole family.
I need to find her. If I find her first, there's no way she can dodge me. Whether it's for the best, or for the worst, I think it's something I need to do. And Monday seems like just as good a day as any other. So I'll do it then. Wish me luck.