Feb 17, 2007 21:12
it's been rough going lately
i thought i might be pregnant again but it was just a 24 hr very violent stomach virus
LAYLA's Baby modeling picked up, but then i fret the 2nd call she got for a fitting job bc the thought of me lugging her 19 Lbs. body on my chest through the freezing sludge only to help her balance herself as they try clothes on her bc she can't quite stand on her own was mortifying. maybe if i felt a little better i'd be happy. i feel like i should do whatever i can for her, & if they like her for the fits maybe they'll use her for the print & so on...
i'm just burned out & quit coffee again bc while i was at the doctor for the nausea (alternating chills & sweats) & fever, she heard a heart palpitation & my rate was racing. so i took the opportunity of quitting now... since i was sick anyway - felt EVEN too sick to drink coffee, THAT'S how bad it was
so i'm depressed & husband's all like, you need a baby-sitter (he was actually on the phone as i typed this calling the friends that were like 'if you ever need a baby sitter', (there's always my mom, but i only like using her in emergencies, like LAST night, infact WAS bc i guess LAYLA had what i had, & i was completely spent, & turned out grandma had it too, everybody was sick... already blogged about this on oomph, anyways, i don't want to make a habit as mom baby-sitting, parents/in-laws in general suck, you know the deal)