Aug 30, 2004 15:17
So my interview is tomorrow morning.
I have to do laundry.
and finish un-dying my hair.
right now i'm trying to strip out the purple.
my attempt at provoking some sort of 'professional' image in the interview
i'm sure it will work wonders once my bleached out skank hair starts falling out all over their nice office carpet
in case you can't tell, i'm a little nervous
i really want this job
i really want to work with nonprofit organizations i think
and apply for a masters in public administration
with a concentration in nonprofit organization management
at tsu for the spring
maybe i'm getting ahead of myself
its nice to sort of kind of have a plan though
right now theres so much up in the air
so many different roads to go down
that i've pulled the hedgehog move and just curled into a little indecisive overwhelmed ball
it is hedgehogs that do that, right?
i find out about the movie thing supposedly by friday
i hope i hope i hope i get a part
a big part
that pays money
i really hope its not some sort of bad soft-core porn as well
probably, with my luck
is this pessimism?
time to inspect the hair damage...who knows, maybe by tonight it'll be black
that always covers any fuck-ups