I am
cavalcantiI play Katsuragi Shuugo, Shiro, Azuma Wataru, Hino Eiji
Contact Methods: [AIM] Punchhopping, [GCHAT] satiricalhavoc@gmail.com, [Plurk]
Here, [mIRC] I'm usually in Shiro or Eiji
Timezone and Scheduling Issues: I should have no issues! Just contact me and things should be cool
Posting/Jumping/Thread-Dropping: I am cool with this 100%
Comfort Levels: I'm pretty okay with anything, but if you aren't sure you can message me
Concrit/OOC issues: Anything you want to tell me, I'm fine with
Goals: To be the best Hobo I can be and do him justice
Essays and Memes: None yet!
Beta-ing: Use my gchat~ I am willing to beta, help or just cheer on anyone
AU-ing: Oh my~
Final Comments: ... Nai