FO banner made by:
Yeah, so my journal, like so many others is friends only. Don' like it? Then hit the fucking road. I do have a few rules for my journal though.
No bashing eachother
No haters
Please have at least a few things in common with me
If you hate gays, then get the fuck out
If you're racist get the fuck out<
Don't bash celebrities I have stated that I have interest in (like Hilary Duff). If you don't like her then cool, but don't bitch about her here. That's what anti communities are for
No drama unless it comes from me. Hey, it is my journal
That's it guys! If you wish to be added, then comment and I'll add you or I won't. Depending on my mood, but I'll most likely add you. I'm just nice like that. You don't have to add me first, unless you just want to. It doesn't matter to me
The owner of this journal,