Feb 24, 2005 02:31
Ok here's a survey for y'all that was taken earlier this year (It was one of my favorites):
Which ice cream flavor best describes you and explain why.
1) nougat, u know that stuff in the middle of a milky way, becuase i'm not vanille, (white) and i aint black(chocolate), i'm in the middle
2) strawberry cheesecake, because its soooo good and tasty, just like me
3) purple because im a flamer.
4) Ari's favorite ice cream: jewish vanilla with chunks of torah and cookie mishnah crunch!!! woohoo!
5) COFFEE-cuz its bitter but everyone likes it anyways! haha jk, ummmm, coffee-cuz it's an acquired taste? dont know. that question is TOO HARD
6) vanilla, cuz it's plain and u can get a really good low fat one
7) Rainbow sherbert -- bec i am a fruit
8) ben and jerrys phish food, because there are many aspects involved
9) i would say bailey's, only it's based off a rum thing so that's a little too crazy for me, although it tastes better than awesome. Coffee works; bittersweet, but coffee's good
it's something you either are in the mood for or are in the mood for, cause its intense and yet mellow, calming and yet exciting in some strange bizarre unrelated way i.e. the fact you're eating ice cream...it is, to say it straight, cool
10) pistachio. cause im nuts?!
Coffee - 2
Vanilla - 1
Rainbow Sherbert - 1
Ben and Jerry's Phish Food - 1
Pistachio - 1
Bailey's Irish Cream - 1
Strawberry Cheesecake - 1
Nougat - 1
Purple - 1
Jewish vanilla with chunks of torah and cookie mishnah crunch - 1
Clearly, most people in the entire world relate themselves most similar to coffee than any other flavor of ice cream.
When people are thinking of themselves in terms of ice cream flavors they cover a wide variety of ice cream flavors. Sometimes they even create their own. I do know what nougat is, and it is the white stuff inside a Milky Way or Snickers candy bar, but I have never seen a Nougat ice cream. Although I wouldn't be against it. Can anybody think of a nougat candy bar that's just nougat. I think 3 musketeers is chocolate covered nougat but I mean really just a nougat bar. Also, purple as we all know is a fruit, but I have never seen it as an ice cream flavor.
One other thing, This question had previously been posted before the sukkos break and then re-posted recently. The first time the wording may have been a bit vague because most people answered as follows: "I would be _______, because it's everyone's favorite ice cream." Besides the fact that that answer is false, and whatever ice cream flavor was used to fill the blank wasn't really "everyone's favorite," it was just the person responding's favorite, it wasn't the question I was asking.
Thanks again to all those who participated