you're something like a phenomena

Jun 16, 2008 21:49

my body hurtsssss. kay, so goal for the next fifteen days is to go to the gym everyday because on the sixteenth day, i go to new york. and i need to tighten everything that currently jiggles for the beachhhh, hahaha. (okay, maybe like 10 out of those fifteen days, cos i hardly ever go during the weekend- and anyway, i'm going hiking again this weekend!) also i kinda wanna get a spray-on tan, cos my arms are practically BLACK and the rest of my body does not match. and i can't get into a tanning booth because i fear i'm going to get stuck and get tanned to death like in that final destination movie. :( oh, and i like this guy. heheh.

also, survey. stolen from laceandtea <3

Have you ever been in handcuffs?

Who was the last person to text you?
my sister- i was asking her for her ipod cos i was going to the gym

Who was the last person you had a phone conversation with for more than 5 minutes?
ummm, jimmy :)

Where is one place that you'd like to visit?
spain, the motherland! haha

Recently kissed anyone with the name starting with C?
eh, there's chris, but the last time i kissed that guy was likeeee... over a month ago?

What was the last piece of clothing you bought?
something from h&m i think

Who's the last person of the opposite sex you hugged?
jimmy :)

If Myspace starts making you pay would you still use it?
heck no!!

Dark hair or light hair in the opposite sex?
dark hair! i like them tall, dark, and handsome :)

Think back to eighth grade:
i hardly remember it- i kinda hated middle school, and i won't say why cos then i'll sound like a racist :o

Who is your number one on Myspace and why?
my sister, but my top eight is hidden cos people complain

Did you ever watch "The Big Comfy Couch" when you were young? Who was your favorite character?
yeahhhh, i loved that show~!!

Does it bother you when you text somebody and they take forever to text back?
yes! or when they say they texted me back but i never received said text :/

Whose graduation will you be attending next?
umm, nobodies! my sister's graduation is this thursday, and my brother doesn't graduation for another eight years :'>

What sport do you watch the most?
el beisbol! haha, i'm gonna go see the mets play the angels tomorrow!

Last person you ditched class with?

Would you ever consider piercing your lip?
i used to want to, but i'm afraid it would hurt- and it doesn't look good on everyone

Do you like the majority of the people you go to school with?
i don't think it matters if i like them or not

How is your room looking?
i have a mountain of clothing i need to fold- it's been there for like a... week? ahaha :(

Have you ever gotten a sunburn so bad it hurt to move?
nope! i tan very easily, and very well, and i always try to use sunscreen :)

Do you hate your exes?
eh, i used to at one point or another

Do you toss & turn for hours at night or fall right to sleep?
toss and turn! i hate ittt- i just want to sleepppppp

Have you ever used a bow and arrow?

Has anyone ever hung up on you?
yeah, my sister, my mom, a bitchy friend?

If you had to choose between going on a cruise to the Bahamas for a week or Disney World for a week?
a cruise! disney world is old news, and i've never been on a cruise, or to the bahamas!

Do you have unlimited texting?
yup! i'm usually texting if i wanna communicate with someone

What are you looking forward to in the next month?
going to new york and seeing my friends and family and my dogs!

Do you think you would make a good wife/husband?
i probably would be. if i really, really loved someone enough to marry them, then i wouldn't mind doing all the housewife-y things that will inevitably come with the marriage

Do you fall for people easily?
used to, but i'm getting better at it. actually, it's really hard for me now, and i kinda think that sucks. it takes the magic out of it all. :/

When is the last time you talked to number 1 on your top friends?
i dunno, sometime today? i live with my sister, so.

Do you live with both your parents?
with my mom. my dad lives across the country, in new york :(:(

What is it you truly want right now?
love, money, happiness, love, people to stop bitching all the fucking time, a new car, love

Do you prefer call or text?

Do you have any siblings?
two! catherine and mark

Can you go on Myspace from work/school?

When was the last time you got a flower(s)?
for my birthday! my dad sent me flowers by mail :)

Do you wish at 11:11?
sometimes i do

Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
i hope so!

Where were you at 9pm Friday night?
i... can't remember? i think i was at home

Is your family just a bundle of fun?
we sure areee

Do you laugh at all the wrong times?
hahaha yeah :(

What does the 4th text in your inbox say?
"five minutes of hell."
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