Spring Break...

Apr 20, 2004 11:02

... was awesome! Very relaxing and I just had a shit load of fun! I hung out with my friends and my current somewhat or in the process of becoming girlfriend! We've gotta far beyond the small things! I am always not home however because I have a car and an entire new life! LOL! I have a new job at Carolina Meadows in Cahpel Hill! No more Chick-Fil-A Sandwiches for me! Thank you for calling Carolina Meadows.... how may I direct your call! Hehehehe! I am loving it! I h ave to dress professional which is not that hard because I like to dress up anyway! Plus the people there are oh so nice and they just love me! I have never worked in an office let alone a Rest Home so this should be and is alreay fun! I am finishing up my last two weeks! Yayness! Well let me run! Talk to you soon! Love You! He Jessie! Cya over Summer Break if you are returning to Carolina! Love ya sis! Dani if you are still out there e-mail me! regi_cole@yahoo.com! I don't know yours! Love ya!

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