Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon

Jun 20, 2004 02:51

exciting thing of the day (officially yesterday): new euph music...i know...that's not that exciting...

btw, happy (officially) fathers' day (even though i haven't gone to bed yet)

this is a first: so far, i have more occasions of using parentheses than ellipses -- this is a rarity.

but today, i've decided to do something that i rarely do: i'm going to stray from things that have happened or dwelling current events...instead, i will discuss the future, what i expect from the future, and what i hope to see. so here goes:

firstly, predictions:
the bills will not win the superbowl for approx 25 yrs.
the sabres will not win the stanley
and hasek will be on a stanley winning team within the next 3-5 yrs.
hillary will not run for pres within the next 12 yrs.
bill's book will sell more copies more quickly than hillary's.
most will quickly forget the death of george's and brian's teen years.
one of the loverings will be in a rock band before katie is 21 (this includes the parents and any pet(s))
despite global warming, potsdam will not warm significantly...ever.
george will be slapped/slap someone within the next 48 hrs.

now, my hopes/plans/expectations/more predictions:
i will:
-start a petition to get rid of interim in potsdam and, instead, add a summer term and shorten winter break (a month and 1/2 is too long)
-make it to an amusement park this summer and ride some roller coasters

america will:
-get fatter
-get over atkins in 20-30 yrs.
-get over south beach diet within 7 yrs.
-not get over reality tv for a long time
-vote bush out in 04
-reduce deficit spending (see previous)
-get forces out of iraq in 150 yrs.
-go on an IV-feeding (fed through a tube) diet fad
-watch stephen baldwin on another season of celebrity mole
-continue losing ground on the euro for another few years

-peanut butter will still taste shitty for years to come...perhaps eternally
-hybrids and alternate energy sources will make great ground in the next 10 yrs, but will fall slightly if gas prices drop significantly
-when the queen dies, it will be bigger than reagan
-i will go to bed cuz it's 3 and i'm tired.

odd that i should have chosen the title for this entry before writing the entry: law of karma - for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its cause was skillful or unskillful.

we have control...or are events predestined?

no, the world is most definitely controlled by play-doh and furbies.
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