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Jan 20, 2009 12:30

The Barnes & Noble where I work is one of two stores closing on June 9th, yielding to a giant 50,000 square feet location opening 2 blocks away on June 10th. Early in December I interviewed for a position at the new store, but I won't know until later this week whether I'm being offered a position or not. With the economic climate such as it is, a large number of the people at the current store will not be offered positions in the new store. While I am 85% certain that I will be offered one, the 15% doubt has been nagging at me and I think has been mildly stressing me out. So here's hoping.

What I've been reading:

The Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher, widely known for The Dresden Files series. It's quite solid, intelligent fantasy with a strong political and military bent to it. Pretty traditional, but satisfying to read until the new George R.R. Martin book comes out. Quick and engaging, i read the first four books in about two weeks.

Food Matters by Mark Bittman. It's somewhat in the Michael Pollan vein, the book suggest a major shift in the American diet for many reasons. Most interestingly it reports that livestock production is responsible for one fifth of greenhouse gases on the planet, and that as more and more countries are ramping up their meat consumption we will soon be far beyond our ability to sustain it.

What I've been playing:

Bioshock was undeniably great. I just heard about the trailer for Bioshock 2, and will have to check it out. I played Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe for a very brief time and remembered why I haven't played a MK game in years. I just don't like the controls much and it seems to be very, very slow compared to the fighting games I like; Tekken, DOA, Soul Calibur. Mirror's Edge is a good game if a bit puzzling at times, the controls didn't ever quite fit for me and I found some of the forced combat scenarios frustrating.

What I've been watching:

Finally got around to watching Flight of the Concords. I enjoyed it, the songs are a bit hit & miss but I appreciate the straight delivery of most of the show. A guy I work with reccommended a UK series called Black Books which sounds like it will be right up my alley so I added that to my netflix queue. I did not enjoy Tropic Thunder much.

What I'm looking forward to:

New Neko Case album in March! The songs I've heard from it sound somewhat lighter than her last album, but good all the same.

today is my day off, and aside from laundry I don't know what to do with my time.
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