saddest part of a fangirl's life is to miss that one chance to see them live :c

Jan 23, 2010 23:40

my dear LJ help me. i m grieving and it's all because of super junior and ft island! ;(

why did kpop became so famous all of a sudden? i wish they never got famous here so then i wouldn't be regretting this one chance of seeing them live, both FT Island and especially Super Junior. i love these bands so much and that missing  this opportunity of a lifetime is like letting half of my life go to waste.

why?? oh why do i have to be so darn poor. and why... of all the years why on my fourth year in college? there's feasibility, scholarship, exams and graduation matters. ;(

tell me guys, are you going to watch the concerts?
  FT Island - March 6, 2010
  Paremore - March 9, 2010
  Super Junior - April 10, 2010

am i over reacting or would you feel the same way if you were in my place?? :(
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