
Sep 07, 2009 23:12

Super Junior's Third Album "Sorry Sorry" Philippine Edition CD
~yes, i bought it! and it's actually the first ever fandom merchandise i ever bought.
imagine the excitement you had when you first had that first arashi/SJ/BB item you had... it's uummm. exciting but weird huh?? because that's just how i feel. i mean why buy the damn thing if you're not going to use it anyway? i plan on just stashing it on my shelves and not bother to bring it out so it won't get dirty or damaged. im'ma weird person. haha.

anyway, that's just about it for tonight. i've got a tumblr account. do follow me. it's a lot easier and simplier there. will update some other time, i've got a week off from school work because of sportsfest, but i won't be spending it online just because i don't like it at home. it's lonely there. *sigh*

take care my dear friends. :)

kpop: super junior

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