embedding is off limits, but sharing the links is definitely not. it's filled with so much Ohno goodness, ~kyaaaa! i'm too happy to have seen this, even if i hardly understand every conversation, laughs and jokes Ohno's still darn adorable who cares what he says, most of it doesn't make sense anyway. XDDDD
0:14 - Utaban (200/04/20) - squishi ohno!! where can i find a subbed episode? wel actually i'm desperate to find full episodes of every ohno moment showed. it's a must watch! I MUST WATCH!! *brawling*
2:25 - "...mayu.." or whatever it is he said... more ohno squishiness. *screams* this was one of those reasons why i loved OHNO!! such a cute kid. oh boy. oh my. *goes hysterical*
2:20 - who's got height issues... no, not just ohno.. *shamelessly raises hands*
3:17 - the cutest OT3!! :D but honestly whoever is paired with OHNO will be awesomely hilarious and adorable ~and no, i'm not being biased! he' an easy prey, it's everyone bullies him and secretly ohno's loving it. XDDD
4:00 - what VSA episode? i hardly watch any arashi shows (though i'm proud to say i'm an avid fan of arashi in utaban. LOL) because they are big files and my DL acc. is so stupid! Most Dame Arashi Segment... i... must... seeeee.... *cries face palm*
4:36 - dork! yeah!!!
6:02 - i don't understand? wth are they talking about. i really should learn japanese!
Lastly, imo... Ohno's smile is the best! ~kyaaaaa! ohno, ohno, ohno, ohno.... daisuki♥
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and this one... i loved it!, just because ohba is feeding each other. :))