still on hiatus...

Jan 24, 2009 12:33

i know it's early... in my case a day early... but internet connection is still unavailable. RL stuff is bugging, everyone is just too busy to worry about it. i think we all have to suffer three more weeks without internet. so anyway, i doubt i'll be able to go online tomorrow or if i do, i probably won't be able to make a blog post. so here goes, just so i can say to myself that i did not neglected keio-boy's birthday! ^^


picture: credit to se7en_madness@photobucket

my family will celebrate your birthday!! ^^ honestly, everyone's excited... xD KEIO-BOY is my sister and mother's ichiban. ain't that great. mother's with us with the whole celebration and tomorrow, we'll probably buy something red to commemorate the event. i will be back, hopefully soon! anyway.. have a happy Sakurai-day on the 25th! ^^

i miss arashi, LJ and big bang! although i listen to them everyday, watch PV's or other shows, it's still way better when you have internet access. fangirling arashi is definitely impossible without it. *sigh*

EDIT: oh and sorry friends if i haven't commented, replied or messaged... pretty much busy and time online is way too limited. sorry. *throws hugs*

happy birthday sakurai-san! x_x

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