Okay, okay --

Jun 23, 2008 09:16

Now that we're back from vacation and the first weekend of work is done, it is time to let folks know what is going on out here at the Suburban Anchorhold.

It's not as much of an anchorhold anymore -- my hermit life has been changed by the decorating vagueries of the University. 
red_ronin9 is spending the summer working from home with one day at the office while his department's space is being renovated at the Computer Center.  No I'm not upset by this.  It is all kinds of cool to have the company, and the coffee in the morning and someone else to keep the cats amused.  At this point it isn't any means certain when he will go back to his cube, probably before the Fall term starts.

Last week we spent some time with my sister and brother in law in beautiful rural Aledo, Texas.  (Google it, folks.)  My sister is an active and socially integrated type who loves to go and do and see things.  Of course, we got to go and do and see along with her.  It's tiring, but it was very enjoyable.  We toured museums, book stores, yarn shops, and restaurants.  And the best stuff; we got twice to go through the Central Market (a mega-grocery natural foods, foodie haven, with classrooms and restaurant), AND at an animal park called Fossil Ridge I got to feed wildlife.   I fed a giraffe through the sun roof of sis's car.  As you'd expect, the weather was predictable -- windy and hot.  It only rained on the way to our flight home.

Knitting -- I'm still doing Socks for Soldiers and hosting the weekly fiber fling at the 'hold on Thursday evenings.  During vacation I knitted chemo caps for a young woman who is a friend of a friend of my sister's.  Three caps from sock yarn in one week.  (yeah, I wasn't in front of a computer all that much)

When I wasn't knitting or reading on vacation I filled the slack time by playing Animal Crossing on my Nintendo DS.  I am geeked over this game.  My other newly-acquired interest is a role-playing website called Leaf on the Wind.  The game is set in the Firefly universe where characters write collective stories.  Just now I have joined the crew of a freelance ship on the Rim of civilization.  Lots of fun.

Work continues to offer up its weekly series of challenges.  This month I began my sixth year at Audio Reader -- where has the time gone?  Don't know -- but it is still a joy for me.  It would have to be to get me to wake up early on weekends.

travel, friends, knitting, work

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