May 16, 2007 13:28
I can't say that I'll miss Jerry Fallwell, but I have to wonder how his afterlife is going. I'm sure he's had a number of surprises. Anyway!
Another graduation season is upon us. Next Sunday KU will be marching another batch of graduates down the hill and out into the wider world. I keep thinking that it has been (!) gasp since a rainy sunday in Wichita that I got my own degree. Dang -- do you know how long that is? Even in people years, zowie. Still, it has been a mostly enjoyable time.
Other partings are not so sweet -- I hope that Cat can stay safe on her summer travels and will stay in touch in the future. I didn't get to say good bye, so I'll say "so long, good luck, and drop a line sometime." from this page. We, your friends,love you, girl. Take care of yourself.
Good news -- the doc and I agree that I don't need any other meds, so I'll treat my flashies with diet. And yes, the d-word is not doing badly. Weight is coming off, slowly, but leaving. On vacation, one friend observed that she was pleased to see that I have a jawline. Tonight, maybe we'll go swimming, the spouse and I.
Next, before it gets too hot, I'd *really* like to get my wheels operational. Here's hoping -- The Anchorhold is a lovely place, but even I get the urge to ramble around. With gas prices becoming what they are, alternate transport is going to be essential this summer. After that, who knows what could happen?