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[Vid by Likiel] Regina Mills | I Hope, I Hope, I Hope - Once Upon A Time Vidder:
likielTitle: I Hope, I Hope, I Hope
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Song: I Hope
Artist: Rebecca Ferguson
Warnings: none
Category: general
Characters/Pairings: Regina Mills|The Evil Queen, Prince Charming|David Nolan, Snow White|Mary-Margaret Blanchard
Summary: "I used to hate you so easily, look into your eyes so eagerly and when there was war, I wouldn’t walk away"
Length: 1.47
YOUTUBE A/N: I think this is the first time someone use this song to do… well, anything. It’s a powerful song, with powerful lyrics (which I had to edit but whatever) and it got rhythm and tempo and… well, many things that makes editing a video a little difficult but the first time I heard it, I thought of Regina. The result is a sort of character study of the Evil Queen through her relationship with Prince Charming and Snow White. Enjoy.